####Dr.Pepper and Pepsi#####

edited June 2011 in Food
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you for making CAFFEINE FREE AND DIET versions of your soda!!! :)))) One very happy Preggo!!! They both taste pretty much like the regular stuff!! :) What is YOUR favorite CAFFEINE FREE drink to get you by this pregnancy?????? \:D/


  • Oooo. And do they have those versions in the UK?????
  • Careful with the caffeine pepsi;), I always had wacked out dreams if I drank it before bed NOT pregnant lol I can imagine the crazy dreams preggo drinking it.
  • *caffeine free oops
  • #mrs_shu ooo crazy preggo dreams, gotta love them!! :))) So far no side effects from the caffeine free Pepsi. I do hope my dreams don't get any more crazy! =P~ what do you drink to get you by??
  • Sadly too much regular pepsi(hanging head in shame)
    But I'm glad you posted this cuz I had completely forgotten about their caffeine free! This week I've been good sticking to chocolate milk, Gatorade and water. Can't drink juice really with this pregnancy, gives me heartburn faster than pizza does!
  • omg i try so hard to keep from regular soda.. but is so hard :x .. lol but i have been really good for the past 2 weeks drinking only water and gatorade
  • Omg I hate you now I want a Pepsi so bad!!!
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  • I get caffeine free coca cola in the UK but it doesn't taste as good as the normal stuff! Never seen caffeine free Dr pepper, v. Jealous!
  • I love caffeine free Dr. Pepper. It keeps me sane!!! I'll occasionally drink sprite or fanta but I'm a Dr. Pepper freak so I'm very grateful they have a caffeine free. I just wish they had it at restaurants and in 20 oz bottles too.
  • I live in california(very northern) and I've never even seen caffiiene free dr. Pepper or pepsi or coke. I wish. If I could get vanilla coke without caffiene I would be a happy lady.
  • I thought being prego you couldnt drink diet because of aspartame? I wasn't told this by my doc a friend of mine who just had a baby told me
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