I dont feel anything at all :(

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im 39 weeks tomorrow n I dnt feel ne thing at all... My due date its on the 7th n I hope I dnt go past my due date bcuz im tooo sick n all the dr keeps telling me is "everything is ok"... Really? Am I supposed to feel all dizzy to the point I almost wana faint?? N plus I cant be away from the restroom to long (tmi) :(


  • Are you dilated at all? I haven't been getting any contraction but am 4 cm dilated. My doc says she thinks once I start getting contractions ill be ready to go in
  • im the same way, my due date is the 9th and i havnt even dropped, lookin like ill be going past :(
  • My drs appt is 2mrrw but last thursday I was not dialated at all :( or I have no contractions no pain...only thing my bby moves soooo much...i guess I just wanna feel something lol
  • Don't worry...... I know its easier said than done but your little peanut realy doesn't have that much room to move Now that its getting close to your due date. Especially if there head down. I was in my l&d emergency room about a half a dozen times during my last trimester. NO joke! And I was told the same thing every time, to either drink something cold. Or drink some apple juice, lay down give it about an hour or so and do some kick counts. And if you have any doubt just go in, that's what there their for. I got one of those in home doplers..best $45.00 I ever spent. I even got his heart beat on a recorder...Good luck ladies love and light to you and your little ones to be...
  • @Bbysmomma have you tried anything to get labour started? Sex worked miracles for me and walking
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