Stretch Marks :(

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
I just realized I have stretch marks on my hips. I'm a tadbit sad about it. During my first pregnancy, with twins, I didn't get any stretch marks. They're so ugly and I don't know what i'm going to do to get over this.


  • @Mistylou I find this stretch marks lotion that work really good. The name of it is called palmer's cocoa butter formula Tummy Butter for Stretch marks in tones skin to while you use it. You can use during and after pregnancy
  • Have you tired bio oil?
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  • @Shasha93 I've been using that for a couple of weeks now. Guess. I should've started earlier.
    @Beatrice1436 Idk what that is.
  • I have a lil on my hips also. bio oil didnt work for me bc I still got them n im using the tummy butter n that is not working also :( I know my stretch marks r gona get worse
  • Its just oil but it helps fade stretch marks..they sell the cheapest at costco for $21.97? I think...but it comes w/ 2 medium size and small bottle ..
    Or use vitamin E .. since its very thick
  • Ok. Thanks for the feedback.
  • Tummy butter is working for me. If want to know wat work best for you ask your doctor.
  • well i heard u can still treat them while they are new. i wish i knew this before when i was 16 and preg and got my first stretch marks. i'm stuck with them now lol if i were u i would pay and get something good
  • @cee808 girl, i have some stuff now. I'm using it faithfully too. Guess i just figured i wouldn't get them since i dis.t with the twins. I was so WRONG.
  • edited June 2011
    Palmer makes a bio oil product that is only $10. Looked like same ingredients and I'm using it with great results!!! I think it is called skin therapy oil. They also have a lotion that does the same, both are fairly new I think, or atleast in my area. I like the lotion a little better, only cause I can squirt it instead of the oil to me is always a mess, but it absorbs in skin great and never in my clothes.
  • im using shea butter it keeps my skin moisturized all day and it's really cheap I love it No strech marks so far 25 weeks.
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