Ahhhhh....Im mad! :(...(Vent)

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So I went to doc he was feeling around and its hard at top of stomach so me n bd thought was booty, but come to find out its his freaking head (breeched)....Its too late n the game to be changing positions. So I go back next wk hopefully he changes or I get a c section on the 12th.

And any ideas to get him to turn?


  • Oh and tested positive for gbs....
  • That happened with my oldest..I felt horrible finding out I had been poking her in the head lol

    There's a few different positions to do the only I can think of is similar to downward dog and you hold that once a day for 30 minutes. You can google positions. Also some say to have music or talking down towards the bottom of your belly anf putting something cold at the top-not necessarily at the same time.
  • Ok thanks....
  • Definitely google positions. I've heard a birth or exercise ball can help too, but there isn't much room left in there for turning at this point. So I would start mentally preparing yourself for a c-section. Ask for positive csection birth stories and see if you can get some extra help for your first week home, just in case. Good luck!
  • I have the same hard spot on the upper right hand side of my belly. Then she likes to push so my it looks like a weird, lopsided, bulge on the side of my belly. I have a while to go so its not a worry of her being breeched but its uncomfortable at times. I thought it was her head but when I had my last sonogram she was head down. I'm guessing now that its her butt. I usually just poke at her until she moves but that seems to be her favorite spot so a little while later she comes right back.
  • ... i know this may be an unpopular comment but i have to say it.
    There Maybe a reason your baby didn't/hadn't turned. With my first i TRIED EVERYTHING to get him to turn.... he would get 1/2 way and flip back. We did the csection but i was soooooo mad.... when they pulled him out, the cord was wrapped twice. He COULDNT TURN. I felt we made the right choice because a vaginal delivery would have killed him.
    My advice would be to talk to your doctor. Get and ultrasound to verify position .... then if something in perticular is bothering you about the csection see if he is willing to fix it.... best of luck!!! Either way, a healthy baby will be in your arms... :)
  • Had a dr apt today my lil girl is breech too. There are a lot of ways to try and turn baby online a few being shine light heat or music at the pelvic bone area. Put cold at the top where the head is. Lay with your hips above your head
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