cant sleep

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I have trouble sleepin at night. Im only 5 weeks an the lack o sleep is really takin its tole. Im so tired. I cant get comfy at night.


  • That's what's happening to me I'm 15 weeks pregnant
  • Im like that too. Take a hot hot barth with chamomile bubbles. Or a long hot shower. They make tea for nighttime too.
  • Thanks ill try that. Im so tired. Couldnt sleep last night when i finally got t sleep then i got rudely awoken by my alarm. Was not happy. Im so tired.
  • I didn't go to bed til 1 and woke up at 6 when my husband woke up for work and still can't go to sleep. Plus our daughter is bein a wiggle worm this morning.
  • Oh also, dont make the bath to to hot, not supposed to be over 100.5. Its bad for the baby. :)
  • Thanks guys. Ill try the bath tnight. Might try horlicks too see if that helps.
  • Ok Im 19wks and ive had the same problem every nite. Soo yesterday I went to ROSS store and bought me a mattress cushion cover by Sealy.. omg... slept last night like a baby and very rested!!! Even my husband felt a difference... I RECOMMEND YALL TO BUY ONE!! It was only $30.00 bucks.. worth it!!
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