today is not my day. pregnancy brain is ruining me

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
so i forget my pregly password, it wont let me reset it so i now have a new account :) on the plus side i do get to have a new pic :D (old account was sammylouiseday) I woke up feeling shocking i swear i have a baby elephant inside me, hes trying to escape through my poor little belly button, dont think i can cope with this for another 2 weeks lol, hoping he will be here any time soon :) anyone due soon?


  • Due July 31st but everyone including my ob thinks he'll be early :)
    I was in traige last night with horrible contractions for 3 HOURS
    but they stopped them with pain meds :(
  • i wish they would induce me now! lol ive had 4 faulse alarms now, had contractions for 6 hour other day then they just stopped i was gutted, been getting a few twinges now and again but thats about it, thinking of trying some things to help it along off for a birthing ball today see how i get on with that :)
  • I feel like she's putting so much pressure down there that she's gunna come out my butt! ahhh! I can't take the pain anymore I hope she comes out soon I'm due for my induction the 18th...
  • I've been in preterm labor once at 29 weeks and almost in preterm labor 4 other times so I'm right there with you! These little babies want out! My ob gave me the ok to starting the labor inducing stuff Sunday :D I'm as desperate as jumping on my bed for an hour if it'll make him come out!
  • @0911MommyOf2 im same i was walking to the doctors thinking i needed to cup it so he didnt fall out lol

    @BentleysMommy ive been thinking of buying a trampoline if i jump on my bed it will go, thats the joys of english bed makers (bloody usless its my 3rd in the last 2 years) im seeing my midwife new friday but i want to really start inducing now!
  • omg! I've been having nightmares of my water just breaking and her slipping out like nothing I'm too scared to go anywhere
  • @firstbabyjuly17 omg that's terrible! And I must admit, I have started going on walks and drinking the red raspberry leaf tea with orageno in it a little earlier than this Sunday lol.
  • @0911mommyof2 i keep saying im going to get the wheelchair out lol so it doesnt happen ;-)

    @BentleysMommyi think ill deffo start soon i got paid today so i may take a trip to a herbal shop or holland & barretts see if i can get everything i need, if it works i will be one happy bunny :)
  • Red raspberry leaf, oregano, basil, and cumin seed are all spices that are supposed to help bring on labor if that helps :)
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