my sister is SO inconsiderate! wtf!

Really I'm so pissed! She's going to this stupid expo and every year she goes crazy over it.... yelling and snapping at me over every little thing uggghhhhh! I asked her how many were going in the car that I'm driving and she said 6. I asked how she's fitting 6 girls AND 6 luggages in the Trailblazer and she said, "it'll fit! Just deal with it!"
Then I asked last night how many were going, she said 3. I thought there were 6? She SCREAMS at me, "NO ONLY 3!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU ONLY 3!!!" No no no biznatch....
I told her I didn't want to drive the 2 hours just to drop her off and turn I book a spa day and tell her ok we can't be late. She tells me, "we leaves when I'M ready." NO! I spent 300 on this spa trip... I'm fekin driving! Have respect! Wtf!
Now her friends come over and the dogs go CRAZY barking.....she doesn't even have the courtesy to make them quiet or put them outside, and I hear her tell one of her friends, "its ok they wont bite, Ashley needs to wake up anyway." NO I don't, my alarm was not set for another HOUR......and this is after she was up all night packing super loudly slamming doors and blowdrying her hair at 1am having no basic courtesy whatsoever for the people in this house who WORK and value the little sleep they get.
Why don't my parents regulate her??? No my mom just hands her $300 for the weekend and says have fun.... ffffffffuuuuuuuu she is 17! Almost 18! Get a damn job! My mom hands her 300 but tells me my baby gift is the shower? NO! That's a fkn crib she just gave my sister, or a stroller! I'm so pissed, I hate them all right now!!


  • I would leave her ass, her 3 friends and their luggage. You got a spa appt and can't be late. Next time she'll be a little more greatful when you offer to do something for her.
  • I would get all in the car and tell her you arent leaving until she apologizes for her behavior. Embarass her in front of her friends.
  • Yeah, I agree with menemami. Ur sister sounds incredibly selfish. In can sympathize. Mine is 28 and has lived in probably 50 to 60 different homes. She gets kicked out of everywhere b/c she thinks people are just supposed to take care of her. she's only had 2 legit jobs ever and the longest lasted 2 weeks. Its weird how siblings can be sooo different. Oh yeah, and she recently got back on speed. Stupid. Sisters aren't all they are cracked up to be.
  • She's like this every year for this thing and when making her costumes for it. My mom works a 7-5 job and she screams at my mom as soon as she walks in the door to sew her outfits. My mom just does it too.... she talks back and demands money. My moms reasoning for letting her do it all was that she "should've let [me] do what you wanted when you were that age, but I didn't"
    It hurts like a stab to the my mom lets her disrespect us both just because she never let me go anywhere/do anything when I was in high school? Whatever. Such a stress I don't need...
  • edited June 2011
    Sorry for all my venting and thank you for reading ....I have no one to vent to because my best friend is an only child who is given whatever he wants (28 yrs old and still lives at home and mommy does his laundry) and my boyfriend was always allowed to do whatever he wanted..... so no one feels my angerrrrrr
  • My parents were super strict with me too. I wasn't even allowed to go for a walk by myself til I was 18 and we lived in a town of 600 people. And now my little brother gets to do whatever he wants. Definitely not fair. I'm so glad I don't live there anymore.
  • Wow! She's hella pushy!
  • Sounds frustrating, but just because your mom let's her disrespect her dosen't mean you should let yourself be treated the same way. Don't stress to much and enjoy your time at the spa.
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  • Read the book "disarming the narcissist" it will change your life.
  • wow somehow i know how u feel. my brother was given any and all of what he ever wanted. my parents GAVE him a car and yet i had to pay every last cent of a car to them. it's not paying what made me mad, it was the difference in how they raised him and i- obviously very different. he never got higher than a B in school and I got straight A's. As long as he was doing good in football he was ok. I worked 20-30 hrs a week at nursing home, got straight A's, spent time with my boyfriend (now hubby) and was in cheerleading, marching band and show choir. my brother got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 20 yrs old and at the time had no job- i got pregnant when i was 18, paid for half my wedding when i was 19 yrs old and 2 months. my boyfriend was 1 day younger than my brother. my parents paid for my brother's son's crib, changing table system and stroller/car seat system. My parents bought me a changing pad!!!!!! Dead serious!! Within 3 years of my graduating high school, I got married, gave birth to two kids, battled cancer (found out during pregnancy #2), went through 3 life- saving surgeries and went back to college and graduated!! This pregnancy my mom told me I have passed our limit to what grandparents should do. I asked what she meant and she says "i'm going to have to watch your two kids when you're labor. that is, if you go into labor before our vacation."........... some people don't get it!
  • When its time for me to leave to make it to my spa day, I would just leave. Call her from the road and be like girrrl I told you I wasn't gonna be late, have fun walking all the way there :D
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  • My brother is the same way, he has had everything handed to him his whole life. I had to work my butt off during hs and college and he didn't have to anything. He has had one job and it lasted 3 months and mommy and daddy still bought him everything he wanted. I understand it's frustrating cus why were siblings raised completely different and they don't even see it. My brother walk over them and use them and me and they could care less.
  • I wouldn't be taking her ass no where. Tell her friend to pick her up or tell her to take a damn bus. And hide her hair dryer.
  • So how did it go
  • Uhmmmm BS! They were late and none of them paid gas money.... I had to. Squeeze gas money from them and it definitely didn't cover what I used in my moms gasguzzler. Then she harped at us to be there to pick her up right at 3:30, on my anniversary with my boyfriend AND 4th of July...we get there and had to wait over an hour because she "was in closing ceremony" ...
    When she showed up we had to wait another 45mins on top of that because she got split up from her friends who apparently didn't have a cell phone and had all the tickets to pick up their luggage. When the girls with the tickets got there, my dumba§§ sister helps her stupid friends with their luggage instead of worrying about her own, we get all the way home (2 hr drive!) And she's like, "oh...I don't know where my suitcase is."

    I tell her to call the hotel and find out if they have it and she yells at me, "you think I know their number by heart or something?" And storms off. So my mom has me call, I was on the phone with them for almost 3 hours on 4th of July, I was on hold in the damn car during fireworks even!
    And no one thanked me for anything that weekend. Seriously, b!tch can take the metrolink next time...

    And my mom seriously asked me to help her find a job. I have better things to do, my mom just needs to cut her funds off and force her to get a job >=[

    Btw she used my last razor head, took my deoderants, toothpaste, sephora makeup and mascara all for this trip. Did i get it back? No. My moms answer? "She probably thinks you can just go buy a new one." YAY for me having to replace $80 worth of crap I had....
    Miniscule victory for me though.... I threw away every razor head in the house and hid all of my handles in my room... hmm where did they go? :( now to make it to the nearest sephora to get my compact...40 min drive no matter what way I go -____-
  • I wouldn't have done anything to be honest I would have left her! Left them all that's there problem! I seriously would not have bothered with her suitcase either! And I would have bugged her for all my stuff back or given her a paper with the total she owed me including gas and make up! And every time after that she would ask for something bring out the paper and ask when she gonna pay u back!
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