
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I feel sick if I don't eat then I feel sick if I do eat when is this going to end? Does anyone know how this feels?


  • I hope mine doesn't last all 9 months I'm a little over 7weeks right now
  • I'm feeling the same way. I'm nine weeks. The constant sick feeling is way too much to handle. Blah.
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  • Oh gosh I feel the same way. Im 19 weeks and im still sick throwing up and all that. Seems like its gonna take forever mayb thru out my pregnancy. Arghhh. :(
  • I still feel like that & I'm at 24 weeks. Darned if ya do, darned if you don't, for me. The best solution I've found is small, healthy snacks thru the day. (Yogurt, salted crackers dried fruit, fruit salad, salad, all seem to sit well) avoid letting your tummy become empty, avoid only having liquid in your tummy, & avoid big meals.
    I hope it ends for you when your 1st trimester ends, but if it doesn't, it is manageable.
  • I feel better of I stick to veggies and super lean meat (this vegetarian thing isn't going so well lol) I always puke when I have greasy food, which sucks cuz sometimes I crave fried chicken or tater tots.
  • I feel the same way and I'm 11 weeks tomorrow. :( mints don't help me. Nothing seems to help me... I just hope it goes away soon.
  • Day after tomorrow*
  • Im 9wks and I feel the same way. It's even worst bc I work in a hospital an the smell makes me even nauseous ;(
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