breathlessness & tightening question?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
has anyone experienced tightening of the stomach which is kinda painless with breathlessness ?

I'm 37+5.


  • I have! But I'm not sure if its in part due to the medication I'm on... :-( although before I had to take meds, I got that way sometimes when I ate or had too much liquids to drink... Does it happen after that??
  • nope, it was yesterday after walking for 3 hours, then when I was in bed laid relaxing, its worrying when it happens
  • I have not...but if it keeps happening maybe call your dr tomorrow and ask just to make sure it's nothing. hope someone else can help you more :)
  • I'm going to go to my hospital with it I think, we have a special ward at my hospital to go to when ever you have a problem so ill get my mum to take me :) thanks anyway
  • tightening of the stomach is usually a contraction, when you feel your tummy get hard but i dont think you really have to worry unless your water breaks or they become painful but ask your doc if you get worried! my tummy started doing that at 26 weeks with my son! it was probably because you were walking for a long period of time, its your uterus getting ready for labor :) hope that helps!
  • thanks :) I was taking regular breaks and drinking lots of fluids, it scared me when it started. he's been engaged for The last month so I think he's just getting ready to come out lol
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  • I've had bad braxton hicks all ways through since 20 weeks and this didn't feel like one :/ its so bloody confusing been pregnant I wish I knew what was wrong with my body at times lol
  • I get it all the time even if im just laying down I believe its just braxton hicks because there never regular and tend to go away.
  • thanks, they've stopped now, just got extreme pressure now so I'm going to take it easy for rest of the day and see how I get on :)
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