my crazy body.....what do you think?

edited February 2011 in Trying to conceive
So this is kinda personal, and a little embarassing. I have posted looking for advice a few other times, sorry if youve already heard some of this. this is whats going on with me....
Well I've prob just got really crazy messed up hormones, thats what my doc thinks (ive only been to her twice starting when all this started so we dont have a long standing relationship, but she is a very good dr)... But I can't help but think and wonder if I'm really preggo. Went off BC in April, werent planning to start ttc until this year sometime. My last 'on my own period' was in August. So I really thought I was for sure pregnant BC I was having major symptoms. Weight gain, fatigue, my hair has been different, nails Have been different, sex drive is different, and the boobs are not bigger but they are firmer and full. Like if I apply pressure....milky stuff. And no its not a false pregnancy where its BC I wanted a baby so bad. I had the period in August and was terrified I was pregnant/ avoiding I didn't take a test until the very end of November. Then I was shocked that it was negative. I took several, I think like 5 over the next couple weeks and finally made an appointment to see my Dr in Dec. Like the 11th I think. They did a blood test and a pap and she examined my breasts. The blood came back negative and she suggested that I do a round of provera to start a period. Then I had a period. So I haven't had a period since then. Still negative on all my hpts. Went to the Dr again and she said to do a round of provera to have a period BC its not healthy to go that long wo one. But I'm hesitant to do that BC if I am PG the side effects are really really horrible. I just seriously don't know what's wrong with me. My husband and I have been married two years and now have decided we better try BC who knows what the issues are and how long it Will take .....
So i am just looking for advice, similar exsoeriences...that kind of thing... thats just whats going on summed up. I really wonder if i could be testing negative and really be pregnant. I hear about it all the tine but never really have talked to anyone who had that experience......sorry for the ear full lol and thanks sooo much for any advice.....


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  • I agree with mama_kat but it is also very normal to have a period one month and then not have them for several months. My periods were like that after I had my first child and have been that way since I actually quit having my period for 2 years on 2 different occasions. The only reason I knew I was pregnant again with my others is I was sick for 6 weeks straight and it wasn't the flu. Lol
  • I am going through the exact same thing. Took 3 urine tests and one blood test. All came out negative. I haven't had a period since the beginning of December and my fiance and I aren't using any kind of protection. I have a feeling I could be pregnant but all the tests come back negative so I am making an appointment with a ob gyn to get an ultrasound to make sure. So I agree with Mama_Kat, get an ultrasound and good luck :)
  • edited February 2011
    But if u take a blood test and it came up neg.. those are usually never wrong right? Also my cousin has something where she will have a period and skip a few months then have one....i did have that before i was sexually active but im fine now
  • I just feel silly. I don't want my Dr to think I'm nutts! Its nit the random periods that concern me, its everything combined. And the milk or whatever...I finally asked my mom when she had breast discharge while pregnant and she said by the end of the first trimester. So idk I guess I need to go back....
  • I went threw the same thing. Turned iut I had hypo and hyperthyroid issues.
  • I have a similar issue, I know how u feel. My periods have never been regular sometimes I would go 3 months w/out on & then be on one for over a month. I never ever knew when af would start or stop which is very irratating! Thankfully I married an understanding man :) I went to the dr bc I was experiencing pg symptoms & it was neg :'( my dr put me on provera to help regulate & increase hormones, but it made me sooo sick & caused a lot of cramps. Then my dr said we should try prometrium & I had the same symptoms & worse cramps. Finally was sent to a fertility dr & he decided that in order to ttc I had to take high doses of BC in order to kickstart my system. This did not only kickstart my system but it caused me to (tmi) bleed very heavily for a month, I missed several days of work bc I couldn't move & went to the ER bc I lost too much blood. I had an appt scheduled and thankfully the day of the appt af stopped. I was given an ultrasound & he checked out my uterus, all looked good so he put me on Chlomid (helps produce ovulation) I am now waiting to test again. Hubby & I have been ttc for over 16 months, & this was our first round of chlomid. Good luck hun!!! ******* bby dust
  • I have random periods all the time, due to an intense work out program I was on during puberty. Honestly, going a few months without it wont kill you. If you're really worries, don't make yourself have a period...for now. See if any other symptoms come up,and as mentioned, try pushing for more proof that you are not pregnant. Best of luck. :x
  • I was/am the same way i stopped useing BC when me and my hubby were married 6 months. Off and on periods for the next 2 1/2 yrs. Went to fertility dr was put on clomid had battery of test ran on both of us found out we both have problems. I have polycystic ovaries so getting pregnant on own was going to be next to impossible so she thought. I was on clomid for 6 months stopped in august 03 found out 8 was pg in jan 04 told dr she thought i was lying wondered if we had gone to see indoreproductive therapist told her no we did it on our own. I now have 3 very beautiful daughters 6 1/2, 4 1/2, and. 2 and now myb #4 on way. So have call the dr back have them do a complete work up and run and ultrasound just to make sure. Good luck and baby dust your way
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