grrr men!!(very long)

He just really f**ked me of was meant to be picking me up 2 hours ago so we could go get his mum's birthday present for tomorrow and he's decided to go help his mate sort a car out!! when i said bollox to ya I'm of to a charity night! So he's like well what about my mums present i said go get it ya self he said i ain't got no money so i said well not my problem! Even if you set of now we'll miss the shop's any way cos we live like 50 mins drive away from my mams were i am i told him to pick me up at 10 and he said no I'll see you in a bit then hung up so i called him back saying no 10pm or not at all! then he text saying i love you then i just sent back i love you to but i ain't paying for your mums present i paid out £150 quid last year for her birthday you paid f**k all same has for my mam and your grandma i ain't no bodies mug!! I'll buy her box of choc's and card has she know's i got crap wage so not expecting much any way! now its 5pm and he just text saying setting of now so i rang him up saying turn back round you ain't coming now I'm going out seen has you cba to come at 3 like you said then 4 now its 5 and your just setting of! then he started saying shit then said i rather go out then listen to my babies heartbeat how f**kin dare he! if he got here on time then we could of gone town like i told him i needed to go and then got home to listen to heartbeat then he's like had stuff to do! f**kin kn*b so i hung up on himafter saying don't bother picking me up at all! its not just this that's pissed me of with him this just pushed me over edge I've had it with him don't want to be with him any more!


  • He sounds like a f**kwit jerk off, good on you for not paying for stuff he should be handling himself.
  • edited July 2011
    Lol...i love how I can read ur accent...
    I wouldent Buy his moms bday present either shes
  • Ohh dear, lol if only I lived closer.
  • This was ages ago lol we fine now he picked me up at 11pm when i asked him to and he bought his mum's present he now buys most things or goes halves with me :)
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