We're having TWINS
So my fiance and I found out yestetday that we are having twins at our first ultrasound at 18w2d. Both babies weigh 9 ounces. Both boy and girl. He had two kids from a previous marriage that he has custody of, both both and girl and I had two kids both boy and girl. Now our first together will keep things even at home. We are so excited!
@Praying4our3rd No, we dont have names picked out that are concrete yet. Before we found out we liked certain names. I liked Marley, Milah, Aiden, Malik and Noah. He liked the name Azayla because he had a dream about it. Lol I need them to have twin names now.
Thank you everyone! I knew there had to ba reason for morning sickness so bad 24/7. Lol