Got my results...but....

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
So I just got my hcg results my hcg on tues was 191 and today was 500. The dr told me I must have ovulated late because I was supposed to be 5 weeks but she said im only 2 1/2. Has that happened to anyone else??


  • Yep, my lmp was December 30th and my bfp came on 25th Jan (tested early) so that puts me at 7 weeks but the hospital said 4 weeks 6 days. But my hcg is
  • Oops sorry, my hcg is over 12 thousand. It makes no.sense to me so I'm gonna wait for the dating scan x
  • Omg it doesn't make any sense to me either. My lmp was jan 11 and i'm 100% sure. Can someone really be 2 1/2 weeks prwg? Don't get me wrong I'm glad the number went up not down but it's confusing to me.
  • Don't fret on the dates. When u have an us in a few weeks they will be able to tell more.
  • I just think, chill cause what will be will be. It's such a long waiting game so what's a few more weeks lol. Just think its a few more weeks of sleep x
  • @eaparker-I know my appt isn't until march 28th the dr said by then for sure we will be able to see something. I'll be praying.
  • @cheryl74-very true I need to leave it in gods hands. And yes that does mean more sleep:) thank you guys for the positve feedback.
  • I was not as far along as I thought. About 9 days off, so approximately a week and a half. Don't over think it, just go with the flow. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to us, but the doctors do this all the time. Take it one day at a time, and just think positive thoughts!
  • @kalvarez-thanks girl, I think I just worry way too much now my dr told me I'm about 4 so I'm not even goint to stress like you said take it one day at a time. Glad to hear that stuff like this does happen.
  • Yep me, I took a home test, bfp, then sched a doc appt for a wk later but went in to the er the same wkend thinking I was miscarrying again cuz of pink/orange spotting n my levels were only at 100.4 (a Monday night) went in Thursday morning and they were at 616.=] so I was just really early n having implantation bleeding..but tht only lasted for like an hour. I will be 9weeks on Monday =] congrats girl!!
  • @mommy_rel- thanks girl, congrats to you too:) hearing stories like your gives me motivation and faith that everything wilk b ok. I wish I was already 9 weeks, best wishes to you take care of yourself:)
  • You're welcome..I know how it is..been there done I'm sure ull be just fine. Just make sure u stay positive, stress-free and healthy :)
  • Yep happend to me 2 I ya ment to be 11 weeks tomorrow but I am only 9 weeks tomorrow
  • Yes, I def will try not to stress so much, it's just so hard after mc. But it makes it a whole lot easier talking to woman that have went through similar situations. Thanks again!
  • @cali83- you're right, it's very hard not to stress after having a miscarriage, and I can totally symphathize! As I told you, I thought I was further along than I was too! My doctor is doing everything she can to keep me relaxed. She sttarted off with bloodwork and an ultrasound, then more bloodwork for a week, then an ultrasound last week, and another one this Wednesday, so hang in there!

    According to this website you could be 4 or 5 weeks
  • @to all: I feel so much better after reading this forum, I found out on Thursday I might be expecting with a home test. I kind of scare because I had a mc on the end of Sep. I just wanna have the ultrasound done and hear the heart.
  • @ivisweet-Congrats!!! How exciting, I know the first 3mths will be the hardest. Take it one day at a time and don't stress like I did:) best wishes to you in your pregnancy.
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