How many people have had a faint positive pregnancy test that had a positive blood test? If I am pregnant I will be due October 20 the with my first child my boyfriends 2 nd
Mine was faint. And it eventualy got darker I never went and got a blood test to reasure I'm deff pregnant tho. A faint line is still a second line it means you are producing the hcg(pregnant horomone) just not a lot yet because you are still early in pregnancy
I took a normal line one and it was very faint and I took a digital one and said positive but my doctor didn't even confirm just book me in to start care. Faint positive is still positive, since I was already 12 weeks when I took the first test and it was still faint. Good luck and congrats
Thank you everyone and everyone good luck to... I had a doctors appointment already set up because on Christmas day we got into a car accident which I ended up getting a concussion didn't find out that I had one until over a month later... so no I am worried Cuz I have been on two types at least that your not supposed to take while pregnant. I have had a cat scan to see I had the concussion so I'm just really worried
I had a faint positive at the Dr office and two days later I bought three tests from Dollar General for $1 and they all lit up bright as ever, two lines. I'm 7 weeks and 2 days
When i did a test after i missed my period i had a faint line, two days later i did the clear blue digital and it said positive. I can only be 3-4 weeks, booking doctors tomorrow. P.s im new on hear and this is my first :-)
So I went to the doctor today and the test came up negitive but they are treating me like I'm pregnant due to the fact that I'm 12 days late. So I have to take the prenatal pills and go back in two weeks and get retested
......... =((