fun games 2 find out if baby is boy or girl??

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I am 11w 1d I have a 3 year old little boy I new from the beging he was a boy. I feel like this baby is a girl. Don't matter to me if its a boy or girl just want some fun games to do :) any ideas???


  • I'm due 9/10/2011 also!!! I always search on google for the gender always comes out to be a girl but we'll see!!
  • look up the cabbage test and the ring on a string test...those are fun. not sure how accurate but it passes some time.
  • OK thanks!
  • I'm Due On The Same Day (; I Tried The Red Cabbage Test And Came Out To a Girl, Then Did 3 Other Tests And They All Said Boy; So I Don't Know Watt To Believe!
  • What's the cabbage test?
  • Do the penny trick....kinda gross but fun...lick a penny and stick it to the wall...if it sticks its a girl...if it falls its a boy...I did it the day b4 my u/s and it fell...I got my boy...yay
  • I done like 5 tests on apps on my phone 4say girl 1 says boy.
  • Did the penny test and its still sticking so. Now I am really believing its a girl :">
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  • i reallllly want a boy, but every1 keeps saying if i keep wishing & hoping its a boy im gonna get a boy.. & the gender testes i've tooken half says boy & half says girl (:| (:|
    im trying the penny test next lol
  • I just did the penny test and it didn't stick at all but I'm only 8 Wks 2 days does that matter?
  • *sucks teeth* mines is totally sticking to the wall! i want a booooooy! lol
  • Did the penny test and its still sticking so. Now I am really believing its a girl :">
  • I just did the penny test And it stuck for 3 seconds and fell. Lol
  • Try the fork and spoon test. While ur out the room, Have someone grab two chairs under one chair have them put a spoon and cover it and a fork in the other chair. They must be metal no plastic. Once it is covered have the pregnant women come in and sit. Make sure she doesn't walk around just come in and sit. If she sat where the fork was it's a boy if it's a spoon it's a girl. Good luck
  • Lol did the penny trick an its still sticking too the wall...lmbao who came up with these stuff? Too funny for me
  • just did penny trick its still stillsticking
  • Where did u get a penny
  • I heard when the.penny sticks it's a boy.
  • @jay_Brad yeah, my penny stuck and everyone told me its gonna be a boy. I'm pretty sure this baby is a he :)
  • @VictoriaB mine stuck too and I just have like mother's tuition it's a boy!! LOL. I find out soon. :)
  • @jay_Brad I have to wait a whole month! Hopefully the baby cooperates cuz I'm not sure if I get another u/s after this next one.
  • Get a needle and some thread and have someone dangle it over your wrist. If it goes back and forth its a boy. If it spins in a circle its a girl. And I this one isnt a game but a pretty accurate way to tel is heart beats per minute. Over 150 its a girl under 150 its a boy. Mine was 161 bpm. And average is between 110-170.
  • @VictoriaB I have an apt when I'm 12w coming up and I have another one around 15 or 16w... Idk if they will check the 15 I hope!! (:
  • None of the walls in my house are smooth so the penny trick won't work for me but i did several different ones and 4 said girl and 2 said boy
  • I have bumpy walls too and I did the penny trick a couple of weeks ago and in fact the penny is still sticking on the wall and we found yesterday that we're having a girl!!!
  • I did the penny test I'm 100% sure now that this has to be a girl yaaaaaaaay. :X :-bd ;;)
  • Every test I've done said girl except the penny one. That 6 girl 1 boy
  • I've done plenty that say boy!! Which is what I want
    But I will praise the lord as long as my baby is healthy I love this little jelly bean so much already!
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