chemical pregnancy...please give feedback.

edited February 2011 in Trying to conceive
I had a chemical pregnancy last month...was only pregnant for about a week then started my period jan17...lasted 6 days and my hcg dropped back to zero by jan22... I should have started my next period feb12 and it hasnt come so im6 days late. took a pt this morning and it was negative...wondering if my cycle should be normal followong chemical pregnancy or if its likely that I didnt ovulate...i really hope I produce that positive test soon tho. we want a little one sooo bad...any thoughts?


  • I had a chemical pregnant too I'm Nov I still haven't ovulated right but I am now 8 wks preg
  • the dr said to expect a normal cycle right away but im anxious that maybe things didnt go normal...we shall see. sftaying pos and telling myself that everything is perfect.
  • I too had a chemical pregnancy very Close to yours. Mine started the night of January 13, I bled for six days and my hcg levels were at zero on January 18. I think I ovulated on Feb 2nd and I got a positive pregnancy test on the 12th. You may have ovulated really late and just don't have enough hcg in your system yet...good luck :)
  • omg thnx! that made me feel much once I get that positive test we can be preggo buds! congrats!
  • It won't be like your cycle you were on, from the day you started to bleed is your new period day, so it was the 17th, its your normal cycle days 28, 30 whatever amount from the 17th of january so it couldn't be the 12th of feb. Unless your days are that short. Maybe too early to test or you might not be, best wishes.
  • Mommy2be1024 have you got your positive yet??
  • I was told I had a possible chemical pregnany.........i didnt really understand :(
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