what can happen?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I swallowed a piece of toothpick... I dont feel pain but can it harm my baby boy?


  • Omg I've always wondered about stuff like that....maybe call your doctor? Kinda scary! :/
  • If u call keep me updated....I'm curious now :-S
  • I also think you should let your doctor know. I seen an episode of House about someone who swallowed a toothpick and it wasn't good. Of course that's just fiction, but who knows what damage it can do?
  • @texasmom3 I sure will keep u informated about this. Am scared.. am gonna call tomorrow and see what the doctor tells me ... poor baby I dont want anything to happened. ...@CarrieLee. Am scared .. I sure will call my doctor ...
  • I'm pretty sure your little one will be fine but maybe Google to see if its happened to others. They normally have a on-call doctor u can speak with after hours.
  • @texasmom3.---where can I find a doctor at this time?
  • When u call your doctor office after hourd its tranfers u to a operator who will have a doctor call u back usually...if not ask a nurse from the hospital your going to deliver at.
  • How far along r u?
  • Thanks I will do that... I am 35 wks ...
  • Wow almost there :)
  • Yes am excited... its my first one... u live in Texas. El Paso ?
  • Aww congrats! No San Antonio :) u?
  • What r you naming him?
  • I live in el paso .. he's name is gonna be Jesus Ricardo ..
  • That's cute! :)
  • So did u ever call your doc?
  • I went today to the doctor and she said that I didn't affect the baby.
  • Glad everything with u and baby are okay :)
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