anyone else feel like there always thirsty i can seem to drink enough

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like im always have a cup of something water juice tea in my hand or im sucken on ice im 14 1/2 weeks and this is baby. Number 2 so is it normal


  • Could be normal but it is a sign of gestationaly diabeties so be careful of ur sugar n carb intake
  • its normal, I've been doing the same but my midwives kept telling me to drink more :p
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  • Its probably an increase in blood volume .... drink drink drink :)
  • I have the same problem too. My doc already gave me every test imaginable so she would have said something if I was close to having diabetes, right?! I am always thirsty and of course now I pee 2x an hour almost every hour. Anyone else experiencing this?
  • Not diabetic as far as the test go but i guessing i drink a gallon or more of fluids a day and my doctor said its normal but my husband. Say he get waterlogged just watching me drink cup after cup
  • Im alwaya thirsty with hiccups lol
  • In my first trimester I had morning sickness so badly that I would go in for infusion therapy regularly. It was then that my doctor told me that most of us dont drink enough water anyway, but a pregnant woman needs about twice as much liquid as the average person.
  • I feel like I can't drink enough! I'm always thirsty! Its only been this way since I've been preggo
  • I think its fairly normal. I had it with my 1st but not my 2nd
  • I know but all my drinks have to be ice cold or i toss um and get a new one
  • Yes! No matter how much water I drink, it never satisfies me!
  • The thirst started in my first or second week of pregnancy. It was one of the little things that made wonder if I was preggo long before the test would show.
  • I do the same all normal n this is my.3rd pregnancy
  • Ok so at least it good im not the only one
    but I have to have my drinks cold ;;)
  • @momie2 I have to have my drinks iced or slushy, I know what you mean. I throw my drinks too when the ice melts or if it gets hot :p
  • Yep your not alone, I'm always thirsty especially late at night lol
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