Need advice on Natural Birth

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Hey girls, this is my 1st pregnancy, I am 30 weeks and plan to give birth to my baby naturally. I wanted to post this to get advice on methods I should use to get through it and if you think the pain will be manageable. Any advice from anyone who have done it would be greatly appreciated. I just need some uplifting words to give me some courage to get through it.


  • Yeah I've done a little research on it. I just feel like im going to have a hard time doing it naturally because I wont get to move around a lot since ill be stuck in the hospital bed
  • I'm 30w also and plan to go without epidural also. I just been told to manage my breathing.
  • I didn't have any specific methods with mine. I just really focused on breathing during the contractions and focusing on some object in the room. I have a high tolerance for pain though; just research a few different things and try them during labor to see what works for you. Labor is so unpredictable and every woman's body is different, so it's hard to give a concrete answer. But you can do anything you put your mind're a woman! :)
  • a lot of turning on your sides and breathing deeply in and out. i hummm when i am in pain so that is what i did. nothing loud. actually very quiet but it helps to get me in "the zone" and concentrate on nothing. and i had to have the lights off. idk why. but lights being on made me feeling like it was "loud" and gave me a headache.

    everyone has a different birth and different pain tolerance... i was in so much pain i puked my first baby out. it was terrible. with my second i said "Screw it!" and got an epidural... good thing too, i slept until i started crowning :D
  • You wont be confined to a hospital bed if you go natural..i havent went all natural but plan to with this baby,i was induced with my 1st 2 and with an epi and all that you Are confined to a bed the whole time.Going natural the hospital should let you walk around,shower,and sit on a birthing ball (if they supply them or you buy your own) i only know what i have been told by my doctor...but you should be free to move and make yourself comfortable.try watching the business of being born and doing as much research as possible.If you can find a doula i heard they are Very helpful going all natural..
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