anxiety and pregnancy
I haven't taken any meds for my anxiety since I found out we were preggers. It hasn't been too bad, except a handful of times but it seems to be getting worse. I can't stand when people say oh it will be fine, just take deep breaths, no big deal. Guess what it sucks! And I have no control over the fact that my body tenses up or I start shaking. I don't WANT to be going through it, but it is what it is and no deep breaths don't make it disappear. I'm excited to have a baby shower but super duper anxious about being questioned and having all eyes on me. People that don't have anxiety just don't seem to get it! Sooo aggravating!
But try and pamper yourself as much as possible. I do foot baths at home, my husband rubs my back PR my feet. That kind of stuff so at least you can maintain as relaxed a lifestyle as possible.
My doctor says it's a safer drug and I'm on such a small dosage that baby should be fine. She has been encouraging me to get off it in my third trimester due to the baby having withdrawls after birth.
I understand how hard it is! Your stronger than me I haven't gotten off the meds yet. What I do when I get anxiety is talk on the phone to someone (distracts me), drink water and focus on how much and how often for example drink ten sips, go for a walk, sit in front of a fan. Usually I start burning up so that's why I go outside or sit in front of a fan.