anxiety and pregnancy

edited July 2011 in Health
I haven't taken any meds for my anxiety since I found out we were preggers. It hasn't been too bad, except a handful of times but it seems to be getting worse. I can't stand when people say oh it will be fine, just take deep breaths, no big deal. Guess what it sucks! And I have no control over the fact that my body tenses up or I start shaking. I don't WANT to be going through it, but it is what it is and no deep breaths don't make it disappear. I'm excited to have a baby shower but super duper anxious about being questioned and having all eyes on me. People that don't have anxiety just don't seem to get it! Sooo aggravating!


  • I don't like being center of attention, i'm not sure if u can say it's an anxiety thing for me more of a shy thing I get red alot. I hope you get tips to cope with it. As u get bigger the stares and questions are common.
  • I kinda know how you feel, I was on anxiety and anti depressants before I found out I was pregnant. It was fine for a while but now I'm starting to have bad anxiety attacks. People tell me to just try to relax...if I could "just relax" I would...thanks for nothing! I have no suggestions tho...if you get any let me know. My heart will start racing and it takes a while for it to calm sucks.
  • I have terrible anxiety too but dont take anything during pregnancy either...i wish I had tips for u but I don't...i just want u to know u are not alone, its really hard to deal with but I just know I have to do it, I hope u find ways to cope :)
  • Yeah my mom says, take deep breaths and drink a glass of water. Ummm that doesn't really help it just takes time to run its course and then I'm ok.. I'm gonna google if there are any coping methods but its just something you have to "suck it up and deal with it" it won't last forever just a matter of minutes but jeeez its intense! And sometimes I just have to lay down and stay still, and let it just flow out of my body. Booooooo anxiety!
  • I am in the same boat as you. It's my biggest concern as I lock up when I get anxiety attacks and can't breath. I usually just have to ride it out. :( Sorry I know that's no help but just know you're not alone! I don't like all eyes on me either.
    But try and pamper yourself as much as possible. I do foot baths at home, my husband rubs my back PR my feet. That kind of stuff so at least you can maintain as relaxed a lifestyle as possible.
  • I am the same but goin for hypno therapy to learn to relax think positively, really working! Good luck x
  • Oh hunny I know exactly what ur going thru.. I have been having panic attacks daily and I know its cause im running out of room with my baby.. It so aggravating to be dealing with all this anxiety and also dealing with the ppl around me telling that its all in my head... Its a real problem and I have been dealing with it for years .. Im just so glad that im almost due and I can get back to taking my meds cause this is just getting to be to much to handle.. I hope ur anxiety issue gets better I will be praying for u sweetie.. :)
  • Yall are awesome! Thanks ladies!!
  • I was taking anti depressant before I was pregnant. I undergo therapy. It really helps with relieving stress and learning relaxation techniques. I also took therapy group class. Learning to relax took time, help, support, and patience I know it sounds crazy but it really was like relearning to relax. Hope it helps. Good luck!
  • I'm currently weening off of citalopram which is celexa. The docs have all told me that it's not harmful to the baby, but if I'm still on it in my third trimester, there's a good chance the baby will be dependent on it and go through withdrawal - no, thank you! I'm nervous about getting off it though, not sure how I'm going to feel. I'm in therapy, too, so that does help, but we'll see. There is a drug that is comparable but is in the 'B' category, rather than the 'C' category, so it's way better. I wish I could remember the name, but if you find yourself overwhelmed and needing help, you might ask your doc about it. I think it starts with an L? Sorry, not much help, huh! I do understand how you feel, though, for what that's worth!
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  • I'm still on 25mg of Zoloft a day at 25 weeks. I just haven't been able to stop taking it for my anxiety. My heart and thoughts usually race and I feel like I'm dying.

    My doctor says it's a safer drug and I'm on such a small dosage that baby should be fine. She has been encouraging me to get off it in my third trimester due to the baby having withdrawls after birth.

    I understand how hard it is! Your stronger than me I haven't gotten off the meds yet. What I do when I get anxiety is talk on the phone to someone (distracts me), drink water and focus on how much and how often for example drink ten sips, go for a walk, sit in front of a fan. Usually I start burning up so that's why I go outside or sit in front of a fan.
  • My anxiety is more like what mshahir has. I don't mind being in the center of attention. It's things like stressing about money (hubby lost his job and is having a hard time finding a new one) or my mother's alcoholism that sends me into a panic attack. The last time I had a panic attack was a few weeks ago when my husband drank too much and started being a jerk. It stresses me out even more because I know that stressing is bad for the baby. I was actually having contractions from freaking out so bad. I never did take meds for it because my doctors say I'm too young (19) and I'd become addicted. Same with sleeping pills. I refuse to take anti depressants because they make me feel much worse. My anxiety has gotten worse since becoming pregnant and realizing I have a person who depends upon me now. I manage by ignoring some of the things that stress me out since I can't control those things. Things like my husband's unemployment I manage by helping him find a new job so I at least know that I'm trying to change it. It's tough to deal with, but you can make it! People are tougher than anxiety attacks, no matter how much they suck.
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