omg almost died from laughter today lol

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
So I went boating n fishing with a couple friends from grade school today n my fiance we r all really close. So I was getting hot n decided I was Guna jump in the lake with my gf.... well I didn't wanna just jump in so I scooted myself to the front of the boat n went to push off. Well as I did my bikini bottom got caught on the tie off thing on the front n well it totally ripped in half as I fell in the water lol I was left with hardly a loan cloth. Omg we were all laughing so hard n there were boats all around us that got a nice butt shot Haha my fiance had to throw me my shorts so I could get out. It was too funny


  • Lmao that's hilarious!!! I can see it now.
  • Hahaha that's pretty funny lolz I would have died of embarrasmnt
  • @proudmomma there is a pic of my bottoms on fb lol I still can't stop laughing
    @jalem it was too funny to be embarrassed lol n I have know my friends I was with forever n its not like I'm Guna see the other people ever again lol I just can't believe it happened lol leave it to me though Haha :D
  • ha, thats so funny! .. :-))
    i bet your eyes got so big when it happened. l0l!
  • @Ittybitty they were I just looked back at the boat n my friend Alex was holding up the back part of my bottoms lol I just started cracking up
  • Omg lol! That's terrible and funny. Its a good thing u can laugh about it though =)
  • i would have done the same thing. l0l! .. im not shy with my body so i wouldnt have been embarrassed either .. :-))
  • @rckprincess2 it was too funny not to laugh n that's just my luck lol I always have to make trips memorable ones :D

    @ittybitty yeah it was just like well shoot lol o well someone give me a towel or some shorts I still can't believe they ripped so perfectly in half haha leave it to me one way or another ill figure out how to go out with a bang lol
  • Lmao!!! It sounds like you and I have the same type of luck!!! Good thing you have a great sense of humor!
  • @honeybee lucky us ;) lol I still can't believe it happened Haha but hey someone has to provide the comedy right lol
  • That's awesome! I just had such a visual! Nice ass :p
  • @Baileygoose lol y thank u lol :D
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