:( what is happening to my body

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I've always loved my body. I thought I was very sexy and so did everyone else (that sounds bad, but I worked hard to keep it up). Now I feel like a fat cow. I have stretch marks and cellulite. My husband tells me im still sexy but I know that I'm not. i love my unborn baby with all that I am but I'm just feeling really insecure.


  • You're not the only one. My husband's grandma lacks a thing called "don't call people fat". Before my belly popped enough that I looked pregnant and not fat she said "You look fat. If I didn't know you were pregnant, I'd think you were fat". THANKS GRANDMA! But now that I look pregnant, I'm a little happier.
  • I'm sure you're still sexy. My hubby doesn't even look at me anymore and I have no cellulite, stretchmarks or chubs anywhere. I'm all baby.
  • Me too. Summer use to be my favorite season just because I could run around in a bikini now I'm almost 200 lbs and have stretch marks everywhere! Butt, back, sides, belly, and thighs... I have no advice on how to deal with it but I thought id let you know you're not alone <3
  • People are so rude about it. This lady at bed bath and beyondasked what my dd was and when I told her she said "Oh lord are you having twins?"
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  • Your pregnant...it happens
  • it's ok. and you can STILL get back your body after the baby. maybe your body is ready for change, but your body can still go back. it's ok to feel the way you are. we usually go through it one point or another.
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  • I point at my new CHUBBY legs and tell my bf I'm FAT. It helps that I can tell him what I don't like about my new body, like my fat arms and cellulite infested legs. At least I'm not like in denial and can talk to him about it. Makes it a lil less embarrassing... plus it makes me that much more motivated to get my old body back
  • I understand that pregnancy means weight gain but it doesn't mean that I enjoy that part...

  • It all part of being pregnant. Dont worry u can always get ur body back. Its work and it will NEVER be the same but u can still get it back. And once u have ur sweet baby it wont even matter that its not totally back to "normal". Cheer up.
  • Awh well I bet its just in your mind... just put it this way its for the little blessing in your tummy(: I had stretchmarks on my thighs in between my thighs nd a little on my hips but I'm like watever no ones perfect I know there girls out there that look worse then me.. its beautiful being pregnant you shouldn't worry your hubby still loves you it probably won't matter to him. Show off your body still who cares what others think your beautiful (: there is this cream at motherhood matenity for 14$ each it works I'm almost 6 months prego nd no stretchmarks on my belly so far nd it helps with the ones I already have...
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