@cali83, I'm hoping for a girl as well! Will know this friday! I would be happy with a boy, just that I'm so close with my nephew its like I already have a boy even though this is my first, ha ha I can't wait to shop!
I have da app and it says I'm guna have a boyy, no preference desired just can't wait to find out..its funny right b4 I looked at dis I was wondering how acurate dis app is..
@1sttime_mommy, yeah I have been doing it with my friends quite a bit lately, so I fig I would put it to the real test and go to the place with the most amount of preggers ha ha. I.am going to post what I'm having on friday, so others will have a good accuracy to judge by.
Yea I'm glad yu post dis I was just trying it for fun but from what I see its been pretty accurate, I'm 13 weeks and 3 days exactly so I got a couple more weeks to go!
How do you girls know the conception date?? I had/have sex close to daily and my periods were always irregular...My doctor says it's not possible for them to pinpoint the exact conception date....
@kalasthename girl
@ bribri girl
Can't wait to see your response. Thanks!
Conception date oct 31. 2010
Conception is nov 29 2010