Castor Oil induction - 2nd Attempt



  • @ynvytish
    I was soo hoping it was your time too! Keep hanging in there! Jaden was 7, 15! 8 days overdue.
  • @YNVTish sry I couldn't update I guess pregly wasn't working. But the only thing that happened was 3.5 hrs later I had 1 case of diarrhea and then just bhs grr I'm so disappointed I never even got severe contractions grr
  • @YNVTish have you tried raspberry leaf tea? I have heard that works better then castor oil. Just a thought. It seems like you really want to.get that baby out!
  • @praying4our3rd what sweeping your own cervix ???
  • @praying4our3rd ... It's pretty impossible to sweep my own cervix... My belly is so big and I have a tilted cervix so when I've had it done in the past the doctor has to lower the bed to lowest and lean over me (sounds kinky!) He'll probably do it tomorrow... But at this point, just give me a freakn induction date and I'll be there. LOL
  • I wish i could find my cervix lol
  • How do u sweep it (safely)?
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