?? :(

edited July 2011 in August 2011
Stupid question but I been have contraction for 2 hours but they are not very painful should I still go l&d????


  • Try drinking plenty of water and laying on your left side.. or some movement.. if they persist more then a half hour go even if it is for peace of mind
  • My doc just told melast week if they last for 2hrs and are in a pattern then yes go to l&d i cant remember how long they should last or how often they should be..sorry im not much help :(
  • I think my doc said more then four or five an hour even braxton hicks to go in
  • Call l&d or your dr.
  • Could be bhc
  • I think only if its consistent like every couple mins. It could be braxton hicks preparing your body.
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