anyone due sept 16

edited February 2011 in September 2011
I was wondering if anyone else was due September 16 if so how they felt. && share a few stories. This will be my first baby.


  • Heeyy im due sept 20th but da ultra sound lady said sept 16 but doctor didnt change it how far yuu? Im 10 weeks today..
  • I'm due September 16th :) I'm about 10 weeks now
  • I'm due Sept 15 (:
  • Im due September 16 with my 5th. Im 10 weeks today ;;)
  • I'm 10 weeks today too yay first time mum n due Sep 16-17 :D
  • I'm 10 weeks today. How do y'all all feel??
  • Im due the 17. Ill be 10w tomorrow. Im feeling really good just really tired. Congrats everyone!
  • I have really bad sickness 24.7 its horrible I was taken off prenatals and Flintstones until its under control. I really hope its OK
  • Hello ladies congrats on your pregnancies i hope they are healthy and happy :) i am due september 18th and will be 10 weeks tomorrow. This is our first baby and the hub and i are way beyond excited :) i can't wait to get a sonogram and see my little lovey. And finding out the gender is driving me crazy i want to know sooo bad so i can start shopping. :)
  • Im due sept 16th with my 2nd kid i cnt wait til my stomach gets big an i can watch my little 1 move around nside me
  • Im due on the 17 almost...;-)
  • Yayy thats my birthday go September baby's lol congratulations!
  • Hello everyone! I am due Sept 15, I am 10 weeks and 2 days. I get sick EVERY day but my doctor prescribed Zofran which really helps! I'm so excited and scared at the same time. We suffered a miscarriage in Sept at 7 weeks and I'm so afraid. We went to the doctor a few days ago and our baby is perfect and right on target. I just hate feeling like something is going to happen. I wish there was a way to know every day that our baby is doing fine, it drives me crazy with worry!
  • Congratulations everyone. I can't wait for the sex either. What does everyone want?
  • Due on Sept. 17th, 10 weeks today! Also miscarried last year at 8 weeks, hard to not be nervous but this one looks good!
  • I am due the 17th :) meganlizard, I know how your feeling my hubby and I went through the same thing at about 8 weeks, its hard to keep that fear out of your head, I think about it all the time, we are just praying for the best, :) I wish you and your hubby all the best and if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here if you wanna talk. Happy healthy pregnancies to all the ladies :)
  • Hello ladies. I'm due 16 Sept as well :-) it is our first baby. I'm 10 weeks. Looking forward to the first scan with my husband. How come some people have had their first scan already? We are in the UK, maybe they don't scan as early here?
  • I had like 6 ultrasounds :) because I had a miscarriage before so he was just making sure everything was going good.
  • Hi everyone my edd is 14th Sept not had scan yet but am booked for 3rd march. This is my 2nd pregnancy but first ended in miscarriage at around 10 weeks in 2006. My husband and I had been trying since 2008 and were told last year we couldn't have a baby without ivf. Well we proved them wrong! As I am now around stage I had mc before I am petrified at the moment. Keep having horrific nightmares and can't sleep and feel sick all day but bring it on as I will have my much longed for baby in just a few months! Health and happiness to you all. If there is anyone there who now pregnant following mc would love some advice on staying calm! X x
  • Oh and am in UK where there no scan until 12 weeks unless you pay a fortune for private one! So no peace of mind for us brits! X
  • Hello everyone my names Abby and I am 10 weeks 5 days.. my due date is sept 13.. this is my first baby..I only got sick one time.. I'm feelin great.. congrats ladies!
  • Im 16 sep aswell sooo excited xxx
  • I'm due sept 12th and have the worse nauseau. I don't ever want to get ou of bed. I got put on medicine but doesn't help in fact thebitter taste makes me gag evertime. I tried seabands but they don't help either. On top of the sickness I hve a nasty taste always in my mouth and am constantly spittting or trying to eat acandy piece but nothing helps. I'm just miserable with this one. My first pregnancy was a breeze. Hardly any sickness at all. This one is terrible.
  • Sept 16 & expecting my first. 8-> I cant wait. Im about 10weeks 3days today.
  • I'm due Sept 15th with my first.!!,
  • I'm due Sept.15, so I'm 10 wks 4 days today. This is my second pregnancy but I lost the first one in Oct. at 11 wks. I'm sick all the time with this one and have bad acid reflux. I seen the heartbeat at 7wks 4days and have another apt on Feb 28th to hear the heartbeat :) good luck ladies!!!
  • Heartbeat at 6 weeks and 4 days was 133. I go back March 8 a day before my bday I'm so excited
  • Tiff87124 I also got to hear our babies heart beat at 9w6d and it was 177 bpm :)
  • I thought i was due around the 14th of september but I am due Sept 3rd.....the scans say the 1st but doc wont change it.....LOL I am happy to be further along...
  • I'm due Sept 9. This is my first and I'm nervous. The "sperm donor" decided he wants nothing to do with us so I will be going thru this alone.
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