38wks sudden spike in Blood Pressure need advise

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Today I'm 38wks and at my last ob check they discovered a spike in my Blood Pressure if sitting its been a steady 130/90+ as soon as I lay on my side it drops to a normal 120/80 I've been on my side laying down for 3 straight days and to think I still 10 more days 2 go idk if I can hang that long I'm getting so frustrated.....they sent my labs to check for pre eclampsia but dr. Don't think its that I have no swelling no protein in my urine...so why the sudden spike in B/P.....and so late in my pregnancy...is any 1 else going threw this.....wonder if its safe to wait it out until my due date with this high B/P....that's If I'm able to mentally last that long... ~X(


  • I got on meds right away cuz mine was really high, like you should be dead or stroking out high. The medicine is called methyldopa. Twice a day. It's all good now. Good luck.
  • I was induced after trying hospital bedrest for 10 days at 36 weeks. I had mild preeclampsia turn into severe eclampsia though. I take procardia every day now. My bp would shoot up to 210/120 etc
  • Wow ladies...this high BP ain't no joke I can't even stand without it shooting up earlier it was 150/127....scared me....but thanks ladies take care of ur selves I have my stress test tomorrow so maybe they'll jus decide to deliver me
  • I have pregnancy induced high BP that started with my first pregnancy that was 10 years ago...and ever since I have been on meds. I mean 200/100-120.Even though it was extremely high I never had preeclampsia. They gave me NST testing twice a week during my first and during labor they gave me magnesium for the high BP. I recently was tested for the protein in my urine bc I had a eadache for two sys and my pressure was up and they told me they had only found a light trace of protein. Several times my doc would threaten to induce me early if my pressure didn't go down, so I am surprised that they just told u to lay there instead of monitoring closely and maybe even inducing labor. High BP is nothing to play with. Good Luck. And please stay on top of it.
  • that happened to me with my last daugther. my bp went up to 180/120 i ended up with an emergency c-section the same day they found it. i was about 37 weeks. keep a good check on it.
  • @ash1la.....thanks for the comment sweety yeah I so agree...I read some ladie ended up with a slow bleed in the back of her brain from waiting it out while pregnant...I went 2 l&d this mornin and lo and behold they sent me home to because they checked it with the big cuff and it was only coming back at 130/90 I was like damn well It does fluctuate....but they said the same thing lay on ur side stay away from salt....blah blah blah....but yeah I'm monitering with a different cuff i bought trying to stay calm n its kind working....@snowflake....thanks for ur comment hun...:)
  • @lorinrene...samethin happen to me I was due july 10 but I had my son july 1....they ran the same test no swelling or proten in urine...just bp was high...I say just try to rest as much as possible and do no stress ur self out...its crazy at the end my bp shot up and I consider my preanancy to be perfect I had no issues
  • Also @lorinrene my doc told me that the electronic BP cups read higher than the manual....so that might be the reason for the higher reads at home. Just take it easy and hopefully it wont be too much longer.
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