38wks sudden spike in Blood Pressure need advise
Today I'm 38wks and at my last ob check they discovered a spike in my Blood Pressure if sitting its been a steady 130/90+ as soon as I lay on my side it drops to a normal 120/80 I've been on my side laying down for 3 straight days and to think I still 10 more days 2 go idk if I can hang that long I'm getting so frustrated.....they sent my labs to check for pre eclampsia but dr. Don't think its that I have no swelling no protein in my urine...so why the sudden spike in B/P.....and so late in my pregnancy...is any 1 else going threw this.....wonder if its safe to wait it out until my due date with this high B/P....that's If I'm able to mentally last that long... ~X(