my water broke *****UPDATE*****

edited July 2011 in Giving birth
so after my water broke and I was admitted to l&d I stayed up basically all night til about 530am and they gave me pain medicine so I could sleep and that worked for about a half hour at time I was dilated to 3:) the media made me super sick so then they gave me some nausea medicine at like 11am and I was dilated at 5:) so they gave me and epidural, which didn't even hurt and felt great!! By 1220 I was feeling a lot of pressure and I asked the nurse to check me bc I felt like he was coming out lol so she checked me and I was 10+3 :) so I pushed a couple times an he was born at 1246pm at 6lbs 12oz 19 inches long:) lil vinnie:) he is nicu bc his blood sugar was low and he wasn't eating good, but his sugar is good now and he's eating more, so he might be able to come in the room with me, he has a lil jandice spelling? So they have a uv light on him and he should be good after 24 hrs!! He's so perfect I love him:)


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