Giving up..

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im at the point where ive completely giving up on my family. They do too much to upset me and let me down I cant do this with them anymore and it sucks bcause its my family! Im not the type to throw my hands up and say I quit, but giving up is the only option I have left. I just dont have it in me to do it no more :( . just had to vent a lil thanks for reading this :)


  • edited February 2011
    I wouldnt give up on family but its definately wirth making space between you if they.cause you stress I've had 2 n I feel better but I elp see them
  • So sorry sweetie. I have been there as well I have given up on just about everyone in my family except for my mother. Its very hard but you have to do what right for you and your soon to be. I have not talked to my mother inlaw in almost 6 months used to think the world of her now she is completely different. Good luck :)
  • Thanks. ive tried to put all the things they have done and said aside but there's always something new and im stressing and mad all over again. Idk I just cant do it with them anymore. Its wearing me out im drained.
  • Your welcome. Its been the same for me I have enough of my own probs not for them to add I refuse to allow them to talk any way they would like and I better not say anything back. Or im the worse person ever. So I've chose not to speak to her :) its better for my children and I and that's all that matters to me right now you can not be unhappy and allow them to stress you its not good for your baby.
  • My family aren't ad its my n laws. My mil used to be so nice to me but since I got pregnant she never calls to check up on us or anything so I gave up with them bc its not just her is ALL my n laws. Its not I just met her son slept with him and got pregnant. We have een together 8yrs and married 2. I just don't get it and it hurts me bad. Hope it all works out for you.
  • Ive just decided to keep my distance I have alot to deal with already I rather just stay away from the drama bcause I know im going to say something and spark an arguement and I really dont need it. Thanks ladies.
  • Awwww pray girl and go on u dnt need no stress.....I hope it get better for u
  • I agree with u. That would be the est thimg to do! Especially is already have other things to deal with.
  • thanks for the support ladies I really appreciate it alot
  • I feel you it same way with me I been stressful with my aunt lately.. Bez she live right next door ughh.i feel same way want do.something but best not so.since I dont talk to them anymore im tired of drama.too but sucks ur not the.only one.. Keep postive!
  • I hear ya honey. I have been there. Sometimes it's just better to stay away. You've started your own family and it's up to you who is involved with it. My mil is not allowed anywhere near my family and my side is pretty much down to holidays. Great strength. If u ever need to vent again we r here. :)
  • thank you that really means alot. :)
  • *hugs* sorry you are having a rough time..hoping things get bettet for you
  • edited February 2011
    Sorry for what you are going through. Remember that your family will be that which you decide to build...and you must take care of that. Those who you were born into will have to respect you and you who bring into this world if they love and care for you.

    I can sympathize with you. I don't know what your reasons for wanting to be away from them are, but I'm sure you will be okay :) I know I will.

    Keeping you and all mommies to be going through rough times in my prayers today.
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