3D Ultrasound help!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
So im scheduled to go this thursday to see my little pumpkin pie :-) and I want some good pictures. What's the preparation??? I seen a girls photo here on pregly and can't remember her name, but the pic is so clear and BEAUTIFUL! If u do, tag her so she reads this!! I want my pics as pretty as hers!


  • Drink juice an hour before....that helped me
  • edited July 2011
    how clear did your images come out?
  • I didn't do anything different when i had mine done. I did eat breakfast right before.but that's it. I think my pics turned out pretty good with how much she was cooperating lol.she wanted to keep her hands over her face
  • Wen i gor mine the ultrasound tech told me to drink lots n lots of water. Hope u get ur pics
  • @excitednewmom
    omg me too im so excited. Im already so tired of water! I drank like ten bottles yesterday!!!

    how many weeks r u in your scan? your pics are adorable n clear. I hope I have to same luck
  • I was 28 weeks and 4 days. Thank you :)
  • My pics were amazing considering I was only 14 weeks when I had it done...I really wanted to know the gender! But could see her lil face n everything! Just had my u/s done @ the docs @ 26 weeks n it was crap so guess I have to pay n get another done lol
  • Drink lots of water....gives better clarity in the pics
  • oooooooh im sooooooooooooo excited! ahhhh omg lol
  • Alright I have had 2 4d ultra sounds so far and both of mine turned out great.... I was told my the tech to drink as much water as possible for 3 days following up to the ultrasound even more yhan the recomended 64 ounces a day to make sure there is as much amniotic fluid as possible and also I drank apple juice starting a half an hour to 40 minutes before the ultrasound to make sure my little princess was awake for it all.... we got to watch her stick her tounge out at us and play with her cord shaking it everywhere and she even did a couple gymnastics tricks for us.... I wish you the best it absolutle amazing!
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