having a hard time drinking enough

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Not sure what to my other two pregnancy I didn't have such hard time drinking but o do now I'm not really thirsty and if I force my self to drink I get sick


  • edited January 2011
    When I first found out I was pregnant, I craved water. . .I had to have it & now, I don't drink it at all, I sip it to take my vitamins, but now, I feel like I NEED pop & that's all I drink..!
  • Keep a water bottle with you and just take little sips all day.
  • My Dr told me I can drink a lil soda everyday I get bad migraine's and it can help with it. I try and drink half a glass of water every time I go to the kitchen I have to have ice old water
  • I was having the hardest time drinking my 64oz of water a day and started having horrible kidney pain so my doc upped it to. 130oz a day! Jeeez how am i supposed to drink that much
  • I don't know how you are going to do it I can't even do the 64 good luck
  • My doctor also doubled my water but its so hard :( I have never been the type to drink it I rather drink juice
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