Due Sept 19 anyone else?
Looking for due date budies I am due sept 19 with my first its a boy hope to keep in touch with girls due around the same time as me and if u want we can be facebook budies to my email is dmaciel3@yahoo.com really want to c chat with some of u
Are you guys starting to pee when sneezing it no bueno I have peed so much so not cool lucky it has not been in public jet
I'm due Sep 15 with my first. Having a baby girl
Lol @ the whole peeing when u sneeze:) I just started and I think I am going to have to wear pads cuz I have a lot of allergies and sneezing is one of my symptoms
@dmaciel I was the same way with my first couldn't laugh cough sneeze or anything without feeling like I had to puke and sometimes puking. Not at all with this one tho I have been getting really bad braxton hicks tho this time. Never really had them before and they are annoying!
@mom085 i agree when i look day to day it seems like time is flying but when i look at how far away September is im like omg will the day ever come lol
@Mommmy2be yay to us let just see what day our babys do decide to pop out