1st timer and having bad dreams about miscarrying, it not having a heatbeat, etc. I am 7 weeks.

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
I have had horrible bad dreams, and I am scared to get excited. I am 7 weeks. 1st pregnancy. I have had 2 miscarriages in the past. Is this normal jitters? Does anyone else have these dreams?


  • Had the same dreams with my first pregnancy and sorry to say it ended in a miscarriage at 7 wks and 4 days in.
  • I have nightmares like that as well. It's anxiety I think
  • I always have those dream I dont think, you should think bad thoughts. Im 12 wks I just think I want the baby so bad it's my fear & nightmare. Just pray & believe in a higher power I do! :)
  • Thanks. Must be nerves. I'm just scared to get excited. They sa the 2 before (1 was 2 years ago, the other was in highschool) puts me in the high risk catergory. I'm trying not to stress. Stupid nightmares.
  • Before I had my ultrasound , when I was about 8/9 weeks pregnant , I couldn't stop worrying, and kept thinking that when they do the ultrasound nothing would be there, or there would be no heartbeat and i kept dreaming about it and I couldnt really get excited, and then when I saw my baby, it was so amazing :)
  • Don't just relax cause you stress then baby stress. I am too I go into early labor I went into labor with my son at 29 wks & he went from a 2 pound 1.6oz into 76 pound health 7yr old boy n with my daughter she was born at 36 wks 3 pound 11oz into a 57 pound girl 5 yr old.
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