after having your baby

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
How fast were you up and moving around normally? I'm due august 11 and might be moving September 1...


  • I went home from the hospital after a vaginal delivery with no stitches (luckily) and was able to jump right back into my normal cooking and cleaning routine. The worst part for me was the pain on the rectum while trying to sit down and the burning when i had to pee
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  • Awesome!! I hope I'm up and moving just as quickly :)
  • youll be fine! there was a family friend that was at our bbg yesterday with her 9 day old daughter! 4lbs!!! lol and she was getting around fine!!!!!
  • My Dr. said moving around and what not you should be fine depending on how l&d goes but your not allowed to lift more then 10 lbs.
  • No driving?! What?! @Almost4
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