
edited January 2011 in September 2011
Just found out having twins 6.5 weeks along I'm excited and nervous


  • Oh my god congratz! did u have a history of twins. Did u have a feeling that u having twins beforw u find out? So ur tummy must be a bigger now already huh?
  • I know exactly how you feel! I was 8 weeks when I found out I was pregnant with my twins (now 4) it was my first pregnancy and I just couldn't believe it. Its amazing what you can handle.
  • I think I might have twins because I'm already showing at 7 weeks. But my first ultrasound won't be until Feb 15. We both have a history of twins.

    How did you get an ultrasound so early?
  • Well We had to do IVF so I had to have a 6.5 week ultrasound. I figured it was going to be because my HCG levels were pretty high and I am so tired and I wasnt this tired with my other two pregnancies.
  • Wow! Congratulations! Time to start buying diapers!
  • I feel like I'm having twins. With my first 2i didn't get morning sickness until 9 weeks, and it only lasted a week or 2. I'm a little girl too, and young, and didn't start showing until 6 months then 5 months. But with this pregnancy ive been nauseaus since 3 weeks, so tired, and lok like I'm 4 months pregnant. Im only 7 weeks. Plus I've been experiencing pain way worse than with my first two, and everything else is increased too. Nausea, headaches, dizziness, tired..... My first appointment is feb 7th
  • I am 7 months wit twins....but as snreda said...everything is a bother..good luck
  • I'm seven weeks pregnant with twins. I couldn't believe it. I have one four year old. My boyfriends family has twins as well as my father's side of the family. Scared of what to expect
  • My boyfriends says twins run in his family. I'm only about 6 weeks prego but I am carrying high in the belly. I may just be paranoid since this is my first pregnancy. But I am showing so early. I don't get AM sickness just nauseous on an empty stomach and really tired in the AM & after I eat. My first ultrasound is Feb.11th...I'm scared if its twins I'm going to faint :(
  • I didn't find out bout our twins till I was 18 weeks and I cryed when I found out because our daughter wad only 9 months old at the time now having identical twin girls is just a lot to take in but we are excited twins run on both sides
  • 1timemommy
    I get nauseous too if my belly is not full I would rather puke LOL o use those preggy pops they work well
  • What were Your guys hcg levels? I just found out mine were 9480 at 16 dpo. I'm not on progesterone or anything. Im now at five weeks and five days along. Wondering why they are so high!
  • Wow that's high at two weeks from my transfer mine was 382 I would say its possible u are having multiples good luck keep us posted
  • Could be twins! I'm 7 weeks pregnant with twins. My hcg was about 18,000 at 5 weeks pregnant and 2 days later 33,000.
  • With my twins I was sick for a week straight & that was it. I'm having more problems with morning sickness with this single than I ever had with them! I think it depends more on the baby/ies than anything. Enjoy & congrats!
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