Rogame shot...probably spelled it wrong

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone else have to get the shot I'm b- blood type and my bd is positive blood type but I don't have anti bodies so they r waiting till 20 weeks to give income since I'm not bleeding but its scary cuz my blood can work against my unborn and eventually attack him....but so far so good anyone else have this going on


  • I had to get the one that started with a p, roamed was the other, they waited to give me mine until 28 weeks, I have to see a specialist because my daughters blood & mine was positive & negative, I almost lost her when she was born. The shots aren't bad, I only had to have 2 24 hours apart one in my left hip & the other in my right. My specialist also has me taking a baby aspirin daily to help the blood flow, if your Dr doesn't that might be something worth talking to him/her about.
  • Yes. Its very common, im 31 weeks today and so far I have gotten it twice. If thier is anylittle sign of blood call ur doctor. That's how I got my shot before the 20 weeks. It put my mind at ease.
  • I'm rh- too. It's common. I had a shot after my last mc but get another at 20 weeks.
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  • I got one at 28 weeks and ill have to get 1 again after birth you'll need to get 1 probly everytme you get pregnant
  • Yeah I have it on weds at my 28 week appt and again once the babies born I m O neg
  • I've been wondering ....what do you think we did before science figured this one out? Its a common thing, my mom had to do it for me. Did people back in olden days just lose all these babies? How sad. Hmmm *ponders*
  • Back in the day many babies and moms died I'm sure this could have been some of the reasons just with no diagnoses
  • Yea its a cause of miscarrage so I'm sure people thought they couldn't get pregnant or just could have babies...
  • Im type o- and im supposed to get my shot at 28 weeks then after delivery... I had never heard of this till my doctor told me on Tuesday.
  • I'm a- and my husband is +. I had the shot around 28 weeks while pregnant with my daughter. Her blood type ended up being positive so I had another after she was born.
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