after miscarriage how long did it take to get pregnant

I'm not sure if I will try to get pregnant right away. Just a little nervous about it. I just heard you can get pregnant real easy after a miscarriage. I'm really not going to try to hard either at least not like I did before. Probably not going to use anything to help me conceive but also not going to try to prevent it either. Probably not going to keep a calender to keep track of af.


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  • edited July 2011
    Our miscarriage was in Nov 2010 and we got pregnant in Jan this year when we'd given up and weren't trying and decided it wasn't possible. I don't know if it is just the month after you're supposed to be more fertile, but I had only one AF in between and I only know that because it was bad right about holidays.
  • I got pregnant after my first period, which came almost exactly 4 weeks after my miscarriage. We were trying, but not like we had been - no ov kits, sex just every 2-3 days... I did use preseed, but who knows if that mattered. It's definitely different for everyone, though. Good luck!
  • 2 weeks for me i had mc in nov (early) &ndd wash preggo before the month was over! &ndd now in 31 weeks
  • Hopefully if I gwt pregnant again baby will stay what a scary thing to go through. Don't know what I would do if I went through it again. Praying for all of you that have went through miscarriages that you will not have to go through it again.
  • I miscarried sept first and got pregnant oct 18 right sfter my first period. Im being induced tomorrow! Good luck
  • @praying4our3rd that would really stink I really pray it happens for you again where the baby will stay. Do you have any other kids of your own or would it be your first once you get pregnant.
  • I got pregnant right after my first period after my miscarriage, I will be 30 weeks as of tomorrow. We had sex once after my miscarriage and got pregnant so I believe the whole extra fertile after a mc thing.
  • I miscarried May 26. I'm still on af, then will maybe try again. AS I miscarried I told my husband "I never want to do anything that could possibly put me in this situation" the pain was incredible & I said I never wanted to have
  • I had a mc when I was 14 and again 2 years ago I never thought I could have kids I had the implanon when I met my husband we where dating for 4 months *I know short* I got it takken out in january didn't use anything if it happenes it happens. I found out I was pregnant febuary end of the month early march oh I also had a d&c too ouch! I'm now 19 weeks ill be 20 on Monday. I was tarrified when we found out bc I couldn't mentally handle loosing another baby but our daughter is due in november never give up
  • I had my first ever mc after having 4 normal pregnancies. It was very hard on me and I wish that pain on no one!!! So sorry for your loss. I had mine in march of this year and we have been trying ever since and still nothing at all. Im ttc so badly but it seems like nothig is happening obviously bc im not pregnant. All I've done is just keep track of my af. Idk much about anything else to help with the ttc process. What is preseed any ways ladies? Or whatever it is lol.. hun if its meant to happen it will happen. There's a reasoning behind everything. Its very hard to get through and over and you will never forget it either! Just keep your head up and think positive!!!! Only God and time will know and tell!!! Good luck hun and again sorry for your loss. I unfortunately know the pain.
  • I'm pretty sure ur body needs at least 6 get did of the stuff....I had a mc on Nov 15, got preggo in January:)
  • Doctors recommend to wait until yuu have atleast 1 normal period, I miscarried in March and Im only havin my first normal period now so afta my periods finished me and my partner are plannin on tryin again (:
  • @mumma_to_be thanks hun fx for your bfp
  • I had a mc in Nov, had a d and c. Was told to wait for one normal period so we began trying again after that in Dec. I had another period in jan, then we fell pregnant and I'm now 23 weeks. Wish you the best of luck and I hope your doing ok, I remember how horrible mine was xx
  • @littlenat86 I have noticed that most people that have had miscarriages have gotten pregnant quick and have had sucessful pregnancies which leaves me not to be so afraid. Thanks.
  • edited July 2011
    Had a miscarriage October 28 2010 and found out on February 10 2011. And we weren't trying. Sometimes it can take longer. But now due October 17 2011. Had a tube removed and was told it would be harder to get pregnant but really had no problems!
  • @mommyb3 congrats very happy for you only a few more months to go.
  • @hodgeslangdon
    Thanks! Cant wait!
  • I miscarried in January of 2008. My doctors told me to wait three months after my normal period started back up...but then I developed some issues. We started trying again in 2009, I didn't get a positive test result until March of this year. Talk with your doctor, they will know your body and situation better than anyone online...also, even if your body IS ready, if your heart is still hurting, getting pregnant right away may not be the best thing to help you heal. For some people, it is, but for others, it causes lots of anxiety and stress, which isn't good for you OR your growing baby. Sorry for your loss.
  • @tnt2007 thanks hun dr said I could ttc after first period. Not sure if I will be emotionally ready. Hopefully I will be ready by september our anniversary is coming up in September.
  • I misscarried in march of last year... Was due with that baby nov 11 2010 and became prego this year in feb again due nov 22 2011
  • I got pregnant a week after mc. my little girl is now 6days old!
  • I got pregnant last year may and lost the baby in july......n then i got pregnant november n now i have 4 weeks left yeah u r pretty fertile but wait months rather than weeks give ur body time to heal just as if you have given birth dont confuse ur body it cause long term complications mama but great luck with everything
  • I got pregnant in Dec last year and had my first ultrasound around the middle of March and found out that the babys heart had stopped beating 6 days before the ultrasound, I had a D&C about 2 weeks after that and anotha D&C 4 weeks after the first one cause they did it wrong and have only just got my first normal period now, I see my doctor the other day and he told me it's safe to try now that I've got a normal and the chances of it happening again are the same as what it was before. When i miscarried i did some research about and found out that 60% of pregnancies end in miscarriage which was really shocking and 1 in 3 women will experience miscarriage in their reproductive life.
  • After my 1st mc it took 7 months of trying hard to get pregnant, then finally I got pregnant and had a 2nd mc the Dr told me to wait 6 weeks to try again but I didn't listen and I got pregnant about 4 weeks later, now I'm almost 14 weeks. Good luck and try not to stress.
  • 11 months almost to the day from mc to bfp. Now he's a very spirited 19 month old toddler expecting a sibling any day now.
    I know some people had a real hard time like me and I know some got pg again very next cycle. All depends, but ask what your dr recommends you try.
  • Wishing u luck Hun... I'm here if I need some smiles!! I'm praying for my sticky baby too!! ;)
  • I had a mc last year 22 weeks prego now. The question isn't how soon u can get prego its how long u need to wait before trying again. If u have just mc depending on how far along u where ur hormone levels r still prese t. U need to have a weekly quant test done until the levels r less then a certain number otherwise it can cause problems with a new pregnancy. So if it just happened id ask my doc about that. It can take weeks or a couple months for levels to go down. Hope I helped!
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