tried a gender app and it says im having a

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I tried an app from the android market and it says I'm having a girl... I'm hoping for a girl since I already have 2 boys.. has anyone tried the app?


  • I also Have 2 boys I tried the app and it told me girl.......That is what i am hoping for but I took the intelligender test bought from Walgreens and it tells me BOY.....Hope the app is right but either way a happy healthy baby will be loved......
  • What app did u try?
  • I'm hoping for a girl but if its a boy I will be happy... I'm going to get the intelligender test from Walgreens later because now I'm just super excited
  • Gender predictor.......It says girls and so does the Chinese gender predictor chart.....but the intelligender says Boy....
  • The Chinese calendar says I'm having a boy & the app says I'm having a girl. I'm hoping for a girl & my bf is hoping for a boy. Either way is great as long as the baby is healthy :)
  • It said boy for me but I'm having a girl
  • @mommyof2girls its called gender predictor
  • I tried two right now from the andriod market and they were both right lol im having a girl
  • @Tammy1979 I am n same exact boat as u...I was so bummed when that damn test came out green. I'm hoping its wrong but uve started calling baby bob...2 boys us enuff lol u can't run behind 3
  • I just wanted to be able to have the relationship with a daughter .....its different then having a relationship with your sons.....I dont chase my boys anymore they are, well my youngest will be 9 in april and my oldest is 10......Yes I bought little boys clothes and I have stuff for little a little boy.....figure if i buy for a little boy it will be a girl LOL.....
  • Did the chinese chart and kt was right did the gender predictor and it said girl but I already knew I was having a boy.. the other gender predictor was right ill go look real quick to see what its called
  • Ok its called gender predictor but its the one with the heart as the icon not the male/female symbol but not saying it will work for you too but who knows ;;)
  • I'm gonna check it out now to see what it says thanks @babymaxisontheway
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