Terrible pains when I walk or bend over....

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I will be 30 weeks on Sunday, and for the past two days when I walk or bend over I get a shooting pain in my cootchie. It’s terrible. Has anyone else experienced this pain? Should I be worried or is it normal. This is my first baby and i am new to all of this.


  • It's probably round ligament pains. They hurt! But are normal :) Ask your doctor at your next appointment though just to be on the safe side!
  • Thanks love. It was starting to worry mr. They came out of no where. I will talk to my doctor when I go back in a week. But they do keep getting worse and are happening more frequently. Like even when im sitting. Im thinking I might give them a call tomorrow it this persists.
  • Ahhh the mass quantites of pregnancy pains! I've had all kinds! I think the nurses know me by name when i call labor and delivery to ask questions. :)
    i wouldn't worry about it. As long as your kick counts seem good, you're probably okay! If you notice a decline in the little ones movement, id make a bigger deal about it.

    I've had bad round ligament pains. I went to the hospital because they got bad enough to where i couldn't stand up straight, let alone walk. I've increased my fluid intake greatly. I was doing 2 liters, now im doing 3 or 4. Its helped a lot, and believe it or not, walking through the pain has helped me.

    I hope it gets better for you!
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