um confused why didnt my doc?

So im 39w + 2days and my doctor neva check in my vigina like i have alot of presure nd discharge y anit she checking if im dialated....?? So thiz normal??


  • she hasnt checked you at all? i dont think they have to.. did you tell her that youre having pressure and discharge tell her that you would like to be checked or go to l&d and have them check you! thats what i would do! hope this helps!!! :)
  • No not normal at all for as far along as u are. Next appointment tell her to check u! Congratulations hun... its not to far now.
  • She shoulda checked by now... Esp because now aren't the check ups weekly?
  • Yeah that's definitely weird. They usually start checking you at 37 weeks.
  • I thought so..i been tellin her bout my pain nd discharge but still nothing my next appoi-tments on monday so im for sure telling her to check me!!! Tnkz ladiez
  • Mines started checking at 37 wks. I thought all did to see how you're progressing. You should ask.
  • Some don't check. Because even if you're dialated, it still doesn't really predict when you go to labor. You can be dialated 2-3 cm & stay that way for weeks.
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  • a lot of docs wait until 40 wks or you go into labor to start checking in order to reduce your risk of infection
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  • I can tell you after the experience I had yesterday, not all drs are gentle, take their time and make sure not to hurt you. Yesterday I had one nurse who ead nice and gentle and tried to strip my membranes to help me along. She tried to make it not hurt like hell. Now she was a night nurse at the end of her shift, so I didn't get to have her te whole time I was in l&d. The day nurse was very rough and didn't bother to try and make it something non-traumatic. Same with the dr I thought I would like. And they all kep checkin me over and over. Mind you I was in the hospital from 5 to 8...three hours. And I got checked no less than 10 times. The night nurse only checked me twice.
    I've had a baby before in a different hospital and with a different dr and can tell you that my experiences with my first born was MUCH better han this time. I ended up spotting and feeling like they had put all my inner lady parts in a meat grinder. Count yoursel lucky my dear. Not all drs are gentle and same with nurses. Doesn't even matter if they are man or woman (you would think a woman would be more gentle because she's been there...NOPE!!!).
    Plus it doesn't mean much unless you are in labor, true labor or false.
  • Ok i soo understand now(: yes my doc is very gentel and i noe its so normal tankz ladiez itz my first so i wonder alot(:
  • @mama_kat my trip to l&d last Monday, the dr checked my cervix twice! I will NEVER ask for it to be checked, cause he literally did SHOVE his fingers up there. I cried out loud both times in OBVIOUS pain.
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  • My doc doesn't check until after due date has passed. His words why when I asked? "I don't like to put my girls through that." Awww. I was like ok :) crossing my fingers that he will be the one on call when I'm delivering....
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