9 OR 10 MONTHS LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Okay im confuse, I thought we have babys at 9months. y do we go up to 10 monthes? explain...... I really dnt understand. sry 4 the dumb question...


  • Ok its simple. 9 calendar months equals 10 lunar months. A lunar month is 28 days like most AFs.

    Ps I asked my wifes obstretician lol
  • Its 40 wks so 4 wks per month is 10 months. I am 36 wks and going to 40 definitely feels like more than 9 months :)
  • Not ring the bell yet lol confuse ty they told me wat u just wrote but I still didnt have a clue lol
  • Every month doesn't have just 28 days (equals 4 weeks) there are 2-3 more days per month. Those days are what makes it 9 months. From your first day of your last period you will be due 9 months and 7 days from that day. So you can say its a little over 9 months. BUT you aren't pregnant until you ovulate, which normally occurs 14 days after your first day of your period. So in all reality, you are only pregnant for 9 months, sometimes a little more if you go past your due date and sometimes less if you go before your due date.
  • Okay much better ty
  • Also cos they start it from the 1st day of your last period technically you're not pregnant for the entire first month.
  • So glad u asked this! Haha
  • What if your AF is on a 21 day cycle?
  • I learn sum thing today yaaaaa
  • yea all this is confusing all i know is that i have a lil bit less than 11 wks yay!!!
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