Does this make sense to you?

So I was in l&d yesterday with good consistent, strong contractions. They ended up not being "the right kind" and I got discharged, but not before they offered me morphine and a drug used to calm asthma patients so that I could sleep. I turned them down because of fears of effects on the baby. They refused to hook me up to pitocin to keep things going since I was 37w6d and they won't induce before 39w.
Does it make sense to anyone why they would offer a script for a narcotic pain med, but wouldn't give pitocin?
Also, I had an appointment with this same dr (just so happens he was the dr on call) a matter of hours later. Rather than doing the appointment right then, he insisted we go home (1 hour one way drive) and come back for the appointment. Does it make sense he made us have to drive home and drive back rather than just doing the appointment while I was at the hospital?


  • No, that sounds really weird!
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  • That's what I thought. Even with this dr z KNOWING our baby has a serious heart defect, he was selling to give me drugs.
    I didnt think it sounded logical.
  • And not going home wasn't an option. Wer hadn't slept, our babysitter had something come up and wasn't able to be around for a bit, and we were discharged around 9 and our appointment was at 3. Cant see us hanging around town for 6 hours.
  • I've heard other girls on here say that they've been given morphine before for pain. I don't know what effects it has on baby though. But I have heard it done before.
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  • Oh, I didn't know about the heart problem. I withheld would have turned them down too.
  • @smcox, I think its one thing if I were less than 37w, but with me being so close, why offer up something like that (heart defect or not) before pitocin? He explained later that its more of a hospital politics thing (they don't want to lose their top 100 hospital status) more than anything. But topping it all off with a heart defect, that wasn't a smart thing I think.
    @mshahir, I agree. I don't think drugs like that can be good and should be weighed against risks of other things like preterm labor.
    I didnt really choose this dr. because of the defect, we had to change hospitals from the one of my choice to one with a team of heart specialists. Had I gotten the choice, I would go with the dr I used for my son and was seeing until week 36. I'm happy to report that I won't be seeing that dr again and I'm scheduled with a better dr for my induction next friday.
  • So they'd risk your babies health for a good hospital status? Sounds like a douche bag hospital as well!
  • @bentleysmommy, I thought the same thing!! I wonder what the dr doing my induction would have done...
  • I would have refused to leave. Preggy steak out.
  • @bentleysmommy, can I bring you next time so we have someone else there too? lol
  • I think that's ridiculous, too. Just another case of the hospital putting their "reputation" before their patients.
  • @Mommytoaprince why yes, yes you can! Lol 8->
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  • Oh wow. I heard prescribed narcotics in the third trimester where dangerous because u can make the baby addicted! N I had my son at 37-38 weeks induced. I scheduled it too. Some docs just arnt comfortable with early delivery I guess. With this baby I've already discussed a 37-38 week induction with my doc n he said yes if everything stays looking good. Never to late to switch docs!
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  • edited July 2011
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  • @homebirthadvocate, @ashleyfew, @mommy_of_two, I found it odd that he was offering a pain med to stop my contractions, but was totally closed off to the idea of pitocin. He even told us that it was strictly hospital politics that held him back from giving the pitocin. And he didn't know that giving me meds meant I had to stay x amount of time. I never looked into the effects of the drugs on a baby because wehave a slightly different situation with the heart defect. I know I had to have pitocin for #1 because I was dialating, but very slowly. I was past the point of able to be sent home, but not progressing very much for the contractions I was having. I'm more thrown off that he was so quick to jump on stopping my contractions rather than sending me home and letting them either let them do their job or stop on their own.
    @firsttimemommytobe I know there weren't many others on the floor, but I suppose he could have had things to do. I just don't see a difference between what he did at the hospital compared to the appointment. I know now that I would rather not have been checked another time or two as now I feel like my lady parts feel like they've been put through a grinder and I have a tender spot that might be torn.
    I know also that I'm not going to let them check me nearly so much next time. For being in the hospital for 3 hours, I was checked by 3 people no less than 3 times each. The night nurse was much more gentle, even while trying to strip my membranes. Just goes to show that even women aren't always the most gentle for that.
    And yes, I've moved to a different dr for the induction. The new dr's style is said to be more gentle.
    Thanks for the insight!!
  • They did the same thing to me. Only I was in so much pain, they didn't offer the drugs, just put them in my fluid iv. Didn't even tell me until 30 mins after. I was pretty heated. I was 37.5 weeks and they refused to put me on pitocin and sent me straight home. Wrong kinds of contractions sounds ridiculous to me but they insist since I'm a ftm I don't know what I'm talking about.
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  • @jessica_clayton, I was just hooked up to the monitors. Poopy that they didnt bother telling you first!! I also felt that they were telling me I had no idea what I was talking about. Didnt want to look at the log of contracts 4 hours long to see that they were consistent until I got plunked in a bed for an hour to just sit there. We'll see how the rest of this all plays out I guess...
    @ashleyfew, inducing next friday. 39 weeks exactly. I agree that the contractions wouldn't have stopped had it been true labor. He just seemed to be on the "dope her up" train.
    @homebirthadvocate,I can see them wanting to avoid lawsuits, I just don't see why he was going to jump to pain meds knowing baby has the defect. I'll have to look into what they could do to/for a baby like ours for future reference.
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  • @ashleyfew I don't think I could really lie either. They'd be able to read my face like a book
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