any one tried the intelligender and knows wat they're having? ??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I just bought the test and really excited to know what I am having


  • I took it and it said boy for me .....Not sure yet if it is true .....hope its wrong....have 2 boys already......Intelligender also has a facebook page.....and a website you can look at .....people who have taken most of them say it has been right.....I found one case where it was wrong on you tube
  • Hey I might get one this weekend im 28wks and just see what it says. Im having a boy so ill let you know if I do it!
  • How many weeks do you have to be to use the intelligender kit?
  • I did it...said boy...will kno for sure n cup weeks
  • @sept23mommy you should be at least 10 weeks to use the test......
  • I took the intelligender test this morning and it said girl... I think... cuz the pee color barely changed...
  • It seems like it almost usually says boy.. I got boy did 3 of my friends...
  • Mine said a boy n they think its a boy
  • Mine said boy and I am having a girl!!!
  • Mine said boy. And im having a girl
  • Be sure you follow the instructions carefully. Most of the wrong results I've read didn't follow them exactly it seems like. I have to 2 more days before I can take mine.
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