omg ii cant believe that he did that...

edited July 2011 in Parenting


  • Awww. That sucks but he probably didn't mean it. Did you talk to him and then put him in time out?
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  • My daughter acts a fool every time she comes back from her dads house. One time she spit in my face, several times she slapped me. Time out and a nice pop on the butt and she never did it again.
  • @blueberrysmom..Yes I spanked him and told him he never is supposed to hit me and had him jump in the shower and time for bed no tv nothing ..I wanted to cry he's never done it before
  • I hope he never does it again. I'm sorry that happened.
  • :( well he's still around that age where its kinda common for tantrums. Plus maybe he's jealous if he knows he has competition on the way. Hopefully he learned his lesson...and if not file for parental abuse hehe :)
  • edited July 2011
    @mshahir it is I'm just in total shock!!! Do u it would of been wrong for me to have slapped him back??
  • Yes. That would have been very wrong and would have set a horrible example.
  • @jamiesandefur really wow yea I mean he's cried before and yelled a lil but never like this I spanked him & this better have taught him ur is to never do that again I'm just so mad and hurt w him
  • @blueberrysmom yea your right then he would of thought it was okay but u did spank him a couple of times and sent him in the shower
  • Maybe sit down and have a long talk with him about it tomorrow. He made a mistake but he probably won't make the same one again.
  • @blueberrysmom yea I am right now he's crying in his bed I'm going to wait to talk to him till 2mrw because right now I'm very upset w him and I want him to know what he did was wrong
  • Awww I'm sorry. That is one thing that I cannot stand seeing children do. Just very disrespectful and I think you did the right thing by disciplining him. He will be fine, its better to stick to your guns and allow for him to learn how wrong that is. If you haven't already, either tonight or when he's awake, I would tell him how that made you feel and how it nor only hurt you physically but it hurt your heart too.

    You did great standing up and being a parent... I want to reassure you of that. :)
  • Yeah. You're doing a good job. Chin up, love!
  • Trust me I understand. My lil one was horrible when her dad got her, I mean I would get her back and she would be a total different child... rude as hell. Hopefully that taught him a lesson, I know how that is. It hurt my feelings when my lil one did it too.
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 thank you so much I really appreciate that I am sticking to my guns he's sitting here crying because he wants to watch tv but I told him no and shut off the light and told him that he do not deserve to watch tv and do what he wants because what he did was very bad
  • @oregonmom well as soon as we got inside I spanked him and put him the shower and into his bed he went to sleep already no tv nothing right now he did apologize on his own he said he was sorry and started crying I told him that its okay but that what he did was very wrong and he is to never hit me but that he's still grounded and still going to bed and he said okay
  • @oregonmamma..Thank you it hard but I need to,teach him a lesson !!! Even though I feel bad I'm hurt and him and I are sooo attached
  • That's perfect. I think its great parenting and he will learn much faster. I know sometimes its hard to stick to it... it will be worth it & he'll thank u later ;)
    hugs if u need it! Lol >:D<
    my hubby has 2 girls and sometimes his patenting drives me nuts! He's on and off with it and in working with kids for so long I hate that he doesn't listen to me. I have seen parenting and how it effects children. As much as I love them, his youngest is a spoiled one that is very immature and -like tonight- he gets fed up with it all... it gets to that point bc he allows it.

    So I applaud u.
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 thank you yea I know what you mean about your hubby because I spoil my son a lot that's y when it comes to mommy he don't listen so much but w daddy yes because daddys a lot stricter and sticks to his guns but this time mommy stuck to hers and is going to start sticking w hers because then he thinks its okay because I would give in other times he would be bad and he isn't learning and its my fault that he is the way he is w me because I have him that way but that slap.he gave me changed everything and made me see different now lol I let it get to far so this is where I put my foot down no more miss nice mommy ..I'm sticking to my guns for now on thank you for the support :)
  • Hehehe I like the no more miss nice mommy!! [-X and I'm sure its super hard when its your first... :) but you got it now mama!! Have a good night, be proud!
  • I would talk to him tonight if he's not asleep already, he'll probably forget by tomorrow.
  • @lily_glz well after his shower I told him to get in his bed he did and after 5 min he told that he's very sorry and came to hug me and I hugged him and told him that its okay but what he did was very wrong and he is to never hit me again but that even tho he apologized he still is to go to bed w out any tv and he said okay
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