getting fixed ? :)

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Any ladies getting tubes tied ? Or hubbies getting a vasectomy ? This our second and we decided that we are very happy with having just two children. But just wanting some opinions bc we can't decide which one. Doing research on them the vasectomy is easier and less complications. Take only 15 mins and no scalpel. But my husband has super sperm lol and thinking maybe if I get my tubes tied be more effective .. ? Don't know ladies anyone thinking of exploring these options ?


  • i heard that the tubes tied are more likely to get preggo than a vas.... we are both having it done after our 3rd....
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  • I told my doctor I didn't care if he cut, tied, burned, stapled, removed whatever was necessary to make it permanent. We are also expecting #3 but my hubby would never get vasectomy.
  • One way or another we are getting fixed just not sure if it will be me or him. But this will be our 4th and I will be 37 next week and did not expect to be pregnant. But there were other plans for us!
  • It easier for the man to do it and safer. Less off time. It's outpatient in the office for the guy. The girl has to be admitted to the hospital and stay for a few days. They usually do it 6 weeks after baby is born. So another trip to the hospital.
  • I'd like to get fixed, but I'm not sure if they'll do it cuz I'm only 19. My hubby offered to get snipped tho, so hopefully no more babies for us!
  • I was thinking of getting my tubes tied brought it up ro my docter he brought up the bus crash.scenario......what would happen in u lost all three of your children and if u get you tubes tied u wont be able to have any more kids...i was like ummmmm now i dont know what to do.
  • Thanks ladies !
  • My ex husband had a vas after our 3rd. Ge was awame but numbed and we went to a picnic after! They gave him pain pills that he really didnt take and 2 days later back to work like nothibg happen!
  • Im getting my tubes tied, burned, glued, stapled or what ever they have to do to make sure I don't get pregnant again. Since my last pregnancy was high risk and so is this one we decided this would be our last baby which would make this one # 4. My hubby offered but I couldn't have him do that and we have actually talked to the doctors about it and males have more complications then women do when they get fixed. So we or should I say I decided to get fixed. We have tried other forms of birth control in the past and I am allergic to all of them except the iud which is what I had the last time but my ob said with the way my uterus is shaped it would be very hard to get an iud again.
  • Nothing is 100% but im askin my man to do it. im on my third and after pushing out three babys, i fugure he can handle the 15min vasectamy :P
  • We are doing both. That is the advice from my doctor since we ad on baby number 5.
  • I am getting ready to have my 5th baby and am getting my tubes tied since my husband is a wimp. Lol. The Dr said that getting tubes tied is not 100% but neither is the vasectomy and when you get your tubes tied you don't have to use any protection where as if the man does it you have to use protection until the serm count comes back with none. A chance I don't want to take since we will have 5.
  • I want to get my tubes tied cut anything but I want no more kids only one problem my doctor said no because I'm only 23 :( I already have a 7 year old and now this is my second so I will just have to wait and see because I don't want to have anymore
  • Tubal ligations are reversible. I will likel6 have it done after this pregnancy. I'm good with 3!
  • I told my husband I am NOT getting put under & cut open after being the one to carry & give birth to our babies... I'm with @kmose77 on this one- after over 19 hours of labor & a dislocated tailbone with the first & who knows what with this one, its more than fair for him to get the vasectomy!
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