Worse Mother Ever!?!?!

Ok so my niece plays soccer & so does her bestfriend. My niece (Daizha) is 10 her friend (Trinity) is 9 ok so they had a game today & before the game trinity was sayin that she didnt feel goid but her mom kept sayin it was because she was nervous well in the game which should have been cancelled because it was 118° today trinity starts throwing up constantly then she passes out we get to the emergency room to find out her blood pressure was 177 over 142 which is high for an adult let alone a child so they said she had a heat stroke pumped her with fluids & told her mom to make sure she stays hydrated & gets rest so we leave the hospital & her mom says well trin u better drink plenty of gatorade tonight because your playin in that game tomorrow! Wtf,?!? So she jus had a heat stroke & all your wirried about is her playing in a game? So I say dont you think she should rest & she goes yes after the game it just made me so mad who does that? & the whole time poor lil trinity is cryin sayin that she doesnt want to play & her mom is telling her to shut up becsuse she doesnt have a choice.... So what do you guys think? Am I jus.over.thinking or is this wrong?


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  • Wrong beyond all reasoning Omg I would have been snapping
  • Just...wrong. Completely and terribly wrong [-(
  • Hell no....that's crazy. Poor girl. Im upset and I am not even in your situation, I can't imagine how you feel. That's terrible.
  • I agree 100% with mama_kat I am going to school for human services and that is neglect completely its just another form of neglect
  • oh hell no that lady has fallen off her rocker id def give her a piece of my mind!!!!! thats not right of her! shes screwed up for sure! poor lil girl :(
  • I would have cussed her out...honestly. Throat punch >:/ b-(
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  • I agree with @mama_kat.

    This lady is obviously trying to live vicariously through her daughter or trying to make her daughter over achieve so she'll look like Super Mom, or some craziness. Either that or she's just a straight witch and has no concern for her daughters well-being in which case she shouldn't of had kids.

    I'm following this post cause this lady has me heated and I would love to hear what actions you take babe :D Good luck.
  • That's effed up! Someone needs to take that poor child away from her!!!! Dumb B!!! X(
  • @mama_kat there is I can't remember the exact technical term as we just learned the different types of names for abuse and we are studying each one thoroughly but that is exactly what I thought of pageant moms....... So damn neglectful like you said they love they lives thru they kids and push they nedds and wants aside become so obsessed to the point they over work them and unfortunately this is what happened they just don't care about their health or how old their 4 year old looks on stage sever enough......... Which is y I can't stand that toddlers in tiaras show we was watching it one day me n bd n his nephew cane over not knowing Wat we was watching mind u he is 17 and there was this baby on there she was about 6 or 7 maybe 8 n his nephew was like she is so fine he had only seen her all dressed up and when I told him how old she was he was like that is messed up cause the lil girl looked 16 17 man it disgust me it ain't nothing bit a place for grown ass perves to go n play
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  • I know maybe she should.call the coach so he.can take her out the game it something I mean little kids that young always want to play and be active and be with friends so you know something is wring when they just want to stay home instead of being at a game with they best friend man that lady I ain't even finna call her ma needs to get her effing priorties straight
  • aand yeah @mama_kat he did he was so upset cause he got a 2 year old little girl and was just horrified by that he said it made him feel like a perve I had to explain to him he didn't know
  • Please call that coach before that little girl gets hurt. :(
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  • Poor child...God bless her little heart.
  • I've had heatstroke as an adult and it was horrible. I couldn't imagine my child.getting it...... Very sad and dangerous people die from this.
  • edited July 2011
    @jessica_clayton @mommyofsoon2b3 @bentlysmommy @ceegsmommy74 @mama_kat @vayanna

    So the game is in an hour & yes she is still making her go I told her that if she doesnt let that baby rest I havd no choice but to inform the coach & other wise she told me to mind my business & that trinity is HER child & she can do whatever she wants! Well I politey said it became my business when I was @ the E.R with you. You shouldn't have told me to come so if you wanna be a dumb bitch today I can be a jus a bitch & since im the only one who cares about her safety ill be damned if I sit back & not say anything so she says whatever & hangs up on me meanwhile my niece over heard everything & started crying saying that she doesnt want trinity to die so ive been calming her down I really just cant believe she is doing this
  • @Mama_Kat @vayanna & I think your right she tries so hard to make trinity an over achiever & she's even put her in pagents & all types of auditions before I just never realized she was this crazy smh its so sad because trinity never seems to enjoy any if it except when she was playing soccer well I guess up until now
  • edited July 2011
    Wow this is absolutely crazy! Once u calm ur niece down plz call the coach & inform him wats going on with her & how u feel very concerned... i pray he sits Trinity out! & i hope her mother feels horrible once the coach tells her that Trinity sud not play! Sorry ur in this predicument! Good Luck :)
  • @FiRstTiMeOcT_mOm thanks for the luck im gonna need it!
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  • Yes update please
  • dang i hope they let that little girl go home. im with the other moms, i assume u will tell the coach,but i hope you also call cps. that's NOT ok. and just to put it out there, i can tell as a mom when my kids are truly not feeling well and when they are just saying they dont feel well. so for that mom to push through all that and then force her daughter to play in heat like that is absurd. heck, i know i wouldn't be letting my kids out in that heat. my son has a skin disease and asthma, but even my daughter who has nothing wrong- that's extreme for anyone.
  • NEW UPDATE!!!!
    So I told the coach & he made her take trinity home she got all in his face talkin mad shit & he told her that she's lucky that he doesnt call cps in her delusional ass so she comes at me & says I should learn how to mind my own business & that I dont understand what it is to be a mother yet....it took all my strength & a lil bit of someone elses to keep from slapping her how dare she I have a 22mo old & im pregnant with my 2nd daughter now & even tho they're babies I would never in ten thousands years put them in any sort of danger im jus glad trinity doesnt have to suffer today
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  • Yeaaaaa I'm so happy she ain't have to play but as for the coach now wth is he thinking to even let kids play in heat like that for anyways
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  • bbut once again agree with @mama_kat she is absolutely lost her mind she needs help not kids
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