How many mommies are having their bundle of joy on or near their birthday.

edited July 2011 in Just for Fun
I know I am not pregnant but just wanted to know how many babies will be here as a beautiful or handsome birthday present for their mommy or daddy.


  • My birthday is october 5th and, i'm due on the 22nd
  • My baby will be here about a month before my 20th birthday(: and a few days shy of my brothers birthday.
  • Well not my bday. But my baby is fair Sept.8 and her daddy bday is Sept.11
  • I am due on 9/7 and my 30th birthday is 9/8! I am hoping to be induced on 9/2 (which is my sister's 34th birthday!)
  • I'm due October 19th, 3 days after our one year anniversary and 3 days before my birthday!
  • I due Nov 7 and my husbands birthday is Nov 11. My sis in law is Nov 3, brother in law Nov 9, and nephew Nov 10...lots of Nov bdays!
  • @excitedforbaby that's cute he got a early birthday present coming. @MyLittleBlessing that sounds like the best I hope to have a close birthday like that. @black_butterfly that's perfect you never know when the babies birthday will be.
  • @excitedforbaby that's cute he got a early birthday present coming. @MyLittleBlessing that sounds like the best I hope to have a close birthday like that. @black_butterfly that's perfect you never know when the babies birthday will be.
  • is :) I don't know why it put "fair" stupid autocorrect!lol but I'm so excited.
  • You should be when ever me and my boyfriend do have a baby imma be excited to. Is this ur first @excitedforbaby ?
  • I was born on my moms birthday. She has always said I was the best birthday present ever. I would love if the same happened to me!
  • My babys due 7 oct my bday is 4th november so not to far away. I was born on my sisters 14th bday!
  • I was born on my mom's birthday, and I'm due 9 days after our birthday. I will be trying any self-inducing methods I can handle!
  • I'm due on my 21st birthday which is August 14.
  • My baby is due on 18th sep n my birthday is on 27th sep
  • This one isn't due near my bday but my 9 yr daughter was born 4 days before my bday we had to. Make her come out I think she was trying to hold out for my bday
  • my first was born early jan. 7th otherwise wouldve been my bday. this baby is due the 21st of dec. and my bday is jan. 28th. i love early bday presents :)
  • Due September 9, my bithday is September 12!

  • Due 9-6 and my 24th bday is 9-23 :)
    Also we found out we were pregnant 10 days before daddys 26th bday in january!
  • I'm due 10-25 and if I go a week over, she'll be born on my birthday, 11-2. I'm hoping she comes early though, so we can have some distance between her birthday and Halloween.
  • My birthday was June 26. My son was due this Monday but he came three days after my birthday on the 29th!
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  • My bday is Aprill 13th and I had my son April 11th. We came home on my bday. :) best bday present ever.
  • My bday is Aug 27 and my due date was Aug 19 but it got changed to Aug 12..same month yay! :)
  • My 20th bday is august 9th.
    Due date is august 25th.

  • I'm due October 20th and my birthday is Oct. 15th!
  • I was given two due dates. First due date is based on the first day of my last menstrual period, second due date is based on size and measurements from an early ultrasound.

    Going by my LMP I'm due September, 8 which is also my birthday :)
  • My birthday is July 16 and I'm due July 27. I hope I have my baby before the 27th tho I am sooo ready.
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