Baby Shower.... (vent)

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm a little bummed. My best friend was planning on throwing me a baby shower at the end of Aug., but now she isn't. She fell into depression and has shut herself out of everyones life (we will text once a week to say a quick hello). Although I am concerned for her well being and I have been praying for her, I am a little bummed out. This is my first child and I was kinda looking forward to it. Now I'm starting to feel the pressure of having to buy everything. I have no family around me (they all live in another state) and no friends who are close enough to throw one for me. I know I may sound like a big baby, but I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for hearing me vent... :-S


  • I'm sorry to hear that. You should definitely still throw something for yourself and maybe think of ways you can save money while doing so. It's a big day and a special moment for you, so don't let her depression bum you out.

    Here is a link with some great ideas:
  • Thanks ladies, I was kinda thinking of throwing one myself, but I dont even know where to begin. I'm not good at stuff like that lol. What stumps me is where to have one. hmmmm....
  • Im sorry too, you should definitely do something for yourself, bc it is your first!!! I had my baby shower yesterday and I pretty much did it all, while my MIL invited everyone on her facebook and didn't help! Lol.
  • I did mine at chuck e cheese, cheaper and I didn't have to clean anything. Everyone with kids couldn't use the excuse they had no baby sitter lol. I spent maybe 100 dollars for pizza, tokens, and decorations. I invited work, family to go online to buy stuff, and friends of course. Turned out great and if you register at babys r us you get 10%off anything not purchased on your registry, so put everything you need whether think others will buy it. My family who wasn't near was able to pay for what they wanted to get me online and get it pick up ready at the store by me which means no shipping costs. Def throw it yourself and get what you can :)
  • Where did you do it at @autumn_babe?
  • @AKmommy hmmm... I haven't thought of Chuckie Cheese... The ladies I know with kids are all under 2... I'm not sure if its good for babies, I havent been there in a while.
  • There was a lot of toddlers at mine and they seemed to love it, mainly cause they love the lights and kiddie games. It just makes it easier unless you don't mind the kiddies being bored at a restaurant or a personal home. I knew the friends I had with kids would be bored at those places and I didn't want to have to clean anything. No matter where you are make sure that you have one, you deserve it mama :)
  • I'm having mine at a park near my house. It only cost $25 to rent the pavilion!
  • @starrxoxo9 I thought of having it at a park but here in NY in Aug. is hot and humid... no bueno :(
  • I'm in NY too, and I went and checked it out on a really hot day and because there's a roof on the pavilion its shady and not too bad. August is the worst though lol. Where in NY are u??
  • @starrxoxo9 I live in upstate NY near Albany. Where do you live?
  • I'm in western new york, buffalo to be exact
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