I would not, I have babysat since I was 12 and if someone would have told new there were cameras I would have acted way different. give it a try without telling her, then if you see something she does that you dont like mention that you installed cameras (dont tell her where) and if she messes up again its time to find another babysitter. Good luck!
Good question...on one hand, it may motivate them to take proper care of my child...but on the other you may miss seeing their true colors for the time being. What if they did an excellent job at your house while in front of the camera, but the need arised for them to watch baby at their house sometimes? Or they just went into another room where there was no camera? I think it would depend on the situation. If I suspected something was going on, I would not tell them. If I was just doing it as a precationary measure, I would probably tell them I had one and it would be turned on and off at random.
well I first got the thought yesterday to have some type of recorder in his bag if I left.him with a particular person just to hear how they communicated with them.and then the thought of home came to mind so u could say its just because..@jalem
I would want to know how the person interacted w/ my child w/o them knowing they're being watched. You never know what they're capable of & if you tell them you may never see their true colors. They may neglect your child, bring people into your house, steal from you etc. I don't think you have to legally tell them either as long as they aren't placed in the bathroom (obviously lol)
I just googled nanny cams & they're legal in all 50 states however nanny cams w/ audio recievers are illegal in 13 states. I plan on getting a couple when I go back to work.
No it would defeat the purpose...which is for your peace of mind. As for legalities in your own home, I'm fairly certain all systems are on your side from whst I've seen on news reports when charges are brought against babysitters and nursing cate for elderly. as for a recording elsewhere that may be completely different and illegal because its not in your home and similar to recording a conversation without someone's knowledge/permission BUT you can call your local police department to find out.
I'm thinking if you are even considering getting a nanny cam of some sort then you need another sitter period. If you don't trust who you picked as a sitter from day one then there is a problem imo.
In that case i wouldnt because your initial thought was like a nanny cam... But if you were doing it for home protection and trustexd the sitter i would tell her
I'm pretty sure u have to tell her, legally. Because its a place of employment for her she would have to be informed. I know every job I've worked where there were cams i had to sign a waiver.
I would tell her but jst not tell her where they are and say its for your home security, because if u are worried about her w/ your child at all then don't leave any moment open for misconduct, if she knows there are cams she'll keep her butt in line.
My work never told us that we had securty camera everywhere they don't have to tell u anything unless its life threting and babysitting isn't like a real job job like working a 40 hr week as far as pay goes I know its work work but its not taxable unless done through an agency
I think it would depend on the situation. If I suspected something was going on, I would not tell them. If I was just doing it as a precationary measure, I would probably tell them I had one and it would be turned on and off at random.
Thank U both!
as for a recording elsewhere that may be completely different and illegal because its not in your home and similar to recording a conversation without someone's knowledge/permission BUT you can call your local police department to find out.