i dont think a molar pregnancy is actually a fetus. or embryo if im correct its when you concieve but the conception just results in some tissue.. dna.. and jumble material.. not an actuall baby.. not sure though.. in your heart your a mom so there for i believe you are.. your baby will come to you.. maby the molar pregnancy was making way for the baby of your future.. you love your baby before its born and thats what a mom does..
When the cells started to form to form the baby they kept multiplying like they're suppose to, but they just stayed a clump of cells and didn't form the baby. The doctors described it as a large cluster of grapes and called it a tumor. Something went wrong at conception either in my genes or my boyfriends to cause it. Nobody knows why it happens but its pretty rare, like 1 out of 1000 women get it.
@lae3 you described it better, thank you. I know it was never a baby, but having it inside of me and going through all the symptoms and watching my what I thought was a baby bump form its just hard to come to terms with knowing it was just excess material. I guess it sort of was a blessing because now I can live my senior year to the fullest, but I was looking forward to being a mom so bad. Like you said, in my heart I believe I am a mother and even if Zaine turned out to not be what we thought he was, I still love him.
@xxtorr Ma, if you feel like a mother deep down in your heart , then you are .. i know many women who have kids and have no mother love or feelings what so ever, in my opinion.. you are what you feel.
im sorry for your loss.. and a molar pregnancy is still a miscarige .. you thought you were going to have a baby and went through the motions.. as if you were .. so it still hurts.. i had a loss myself and i will never forget it either.. i know in my heart that it wasnt meant to be.. but he/she is still on my mind